西班牙 offers only residency by investment, the Spain Residency by Investment Program is ranked an incredible 5th out of 24 programs on the Global Residence Programs Index.
Under the Residence by Investment program, individuals and their immediate family members can become residents of Spain (through a temporary residence permit) within less than a month. he Law offers the opportunity for non-EU citizens to obtain a Residence Permit by investing in Real Estate in Spain for a minimum value of EUR 500,000. A residence permit for 1 year is issued and can be renewed (for 2 years each time), provided that the real estate property is still owned by the applicant. Subject to general immigration rules and requirements, residents by investment can acquire permanent residence status after five years of continuous residence in Spain, and gain Spanish citizenship thereafter.
西班牙投資居留計劃於2013年推出,投資者無需參加語言和文化考試。他們不需要在西班牙逗留,法律允許出租投資房產。該計劃下的投資可以返還。為此,您需要在西班牙居住五年並獲得永久居留身份。在該國再居住五年後,您可以申請公民身份,但條件是您放棄第一個。最低投資額為 500,000 歐元,投資者可選擇以下選項之一:
Acquisition of real estate with a minimum value of EUR 500,000 should be done under this option.
An investor buys residential or commercial property in Spain. If they include family members in the application, the investment amount will not increase.
A property can be owned by the investor or the company, where the investor is a controlling shareholder and owns most of the shares. If the applicant buys commercial premises on behalf of the company, they can get a tax deduction and return the paid VAT of 21%.
The investor can purchase one or several properties for a total value of €500,000. The law does not have the rule to invest the entire amount in one property. The investor can rent out the real estate and sell it after obtaining permanent residence.
Notary fee: EUR 600 to 1000
Registration fee: EUR 400 to 650
Taxes: New buildings: 7 to 12% of transaction amount
Secondary housing: 6 to 10% of the cadastral value
Commercial properties: Up to 25%
– Investment of around EUR 1,000,000 in shares of Spanish companies can also be done.
– A statement of the investment from the Spanish Registrar of Investments of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness will be needed.
– Investment of around EUR 2,000,000 into government bonds is another option.
– A certificate from the Bank of Spain or another financial institution, stating you are the sole owner of the investment for a period of at least five years would be required.
– Funds transfer of EUR 1 million into a Spanish Bank Account can also be done.
– A certificate from the financial institution naming you as the sole owner of the bank deposit will be required.
居民只能在他們在西班牙居住的第 10 年申請公民身份。無法通過投資直接獲得西班牙公民身份。投資者可以通過入籍成為西班牙公民,通過投資獲得西班牙居留許可,移居該國,並在幾年內獲得永久居留權,然後才能申請入籍。
In the Documents collection stage and experienced immigration advisers will be checking all documents for compliance to ensure all requirements are met, including proof of investment documentation. The complete application for a residence permit along with all supporting documents confirming your investments will be then submitted to the Spanish government’s Ministry of Economy.
在您的生物識別信息提交給西班牙其中一個警察局後的一個月內,您將收到有效期為 2 年並且可以每 5 年更新一次的居留卡。投資者有資格在 5 年內獲得永久居留權,條件是他們在這 5 年內在西班牙居住超過 4 年零 2 個月。如果需要,可以在 10 年後申請公民身份。居留卡必須親自領取,因為在領取過程中會進行指紋檢查。
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