スペイン offers only residency by investment, the Spain Residency by Investment Program is ranked an incredible 5th out of 24 programs on the Global Residence Programs Index.
Under the Residence by Investment program, individuals and their immediate family members can become residents of Spain (through a temporary residence permit) within less than a month. he Law offers the opportunity for non-EU citizens to obtain a Residence Permit by investing in Real Estate in Spain for a minimum value of EUR 500,000. A residence permit for 1 year is issued and can be renewed (for 2 years each time), provided that the real estate property is still owned by the applicant. Subject to general immigration rules and requirements, residents by investment can acquire permanent residence status after five years of continuous residence in Spain, and gain Spanish citizenship thereafter.
投資プログラムによるスペイン居住プログラムは 2013 年に開始されました。投資家は言語や文化の試験を受ける必要はありません。彼らはスペインで時間を過ごす必要はなく、法律により投資用不動産の賃貸が許可されています。プログラムに基づく投資は、返還することができます。これを行うには、スペインに 5 年間居住し、永住権を取得する必要があります。その国にさらに5年間住んだ後、市民権を申請できますが、最初の市民権を放棄することを条件としています。最低投資額は 500,000 ユーロです。投資家は次のいずれかのオプションを選択できます。
Acquisition of real estate with a minimum value of EUR 500,000 should be done under this option.
An investor buys residential or commercial property in Spain. If they include family members in the application, the investment amount will not increase.
A property can be owned by the investor or the company, where the investor is a controlling shareholder and owns most of the shares. If the applicant buys commercial premises on behalf of the company, they can get a tax deduction and return the paid VAT of 21%.
The investor can purchase one or several properties for a total value of €500,000. The law does not have the rule to invest the entire amount in one property. The investor can rent out the real estate and sell it after obtaining permanent residence.
Notary fee: EUR 600 to 1000
Registration fee: EUR 400 to 650
Taxes: New buildings: 7 to 12% of transaction amount
Secondary housing: 6 to 10% of the cadastral value
Commercial properties: Up to 25%
– Investment of around EUR 1,000,000 in shares of Spanish companies can also be done.
– A statement of the investment from the Spanish Registrar of Investments of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness will be needed.
– Investment of around EUR 2,000,000 into government bonds is another option.
– A certificate from the Bank of Spain or another financial institution, stating you are the sole owner of the investment for a period of at least five years would be required.
– Funds transfer of EUR 1 million into a Spanish Bank Account can also be done.
– A certificate from the financial institution naming you as the sole owner of the bank deposit will be required.
居住者は、スペインでの居住 10 年目にのみ市民権を申請できます。投資によって直接スペイン市民権を取得する方法はありません。投資家は帰化によってスペイン市民になり、投資によってスペインでの居住許可を取得し、国に移動し、数年後に永住権を取得してから、市民権を申請することができます。
In the Documents collection stage and experienced immigration advisers will be checking all documents for compliance to ensure all requirements are met, including proof of investment documentation. The complete application for a residence permit along with all supporting documents confirming your investments will be then submitted to the Spanish government’s Ministry of Economy.
生体認証がスペインの警察署に提出されてから 1 か月以内に、2 年間有効で 5 年ごとに更新できる在留カードが届きます。投資家は、5 年間で 4 年 2 か月以上スペインに居住していることを条件に、5 年後に永住権を取得する資格があります。市民権は、必要に応じて 10 年後に申請できます。在留カードは、採取の際に指紋照合が行われるため、本人が採取する必要があります。
また、Privacy World は、スペインでの会社の設立、国への定住を支援し、この経験が面倒にならないように調整することもできます。
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