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Shën Luçia

Renditja e pasaportës
Vendet pa viza

Përvetësimi: -

Kapitali i kërkuar: -

Përvetësimi: 3-4 muaj

Kapitali i kërkuar: $100,000

About Saint Lucia Citizenship and Residency

Shën Luçia offers Citizenship through Investment programs. The St. Lucia Citizenship by Investment Program requires applicants to make a significant contribution to the country. In exchange, and subject to a stringent application process and due diligence check, the applicants and their families are granted full citizenship.

Investment options are available to acquire citizenship and a passport of Saint Lucia. 

  • National Economic Fund Contribution

High-net-worth individuals may choose to make a momentary contribution to the NEF organization via one of the prescribed contribution levels.

-An investment of USD 100,000 is needed for a sole applicant.

-A contribution for the amount of USD 140,000 will be needed for a family comprising of the main applicant and their spouse.

-An investment of USD 150,000  will be needed for a family of up to 3 dependents comprising of a spouse and up to 2 children.

-A contribution of USD 25,000 will be required for each additional dependent

-An investment of USD 15,000 will be needed for each additional qualifying dependent applying with the main applicant, spouse, and two other qualifying dependents.

-An administrative fee of USD 30,000 will be charged for the application to be successful.

  •  Real Estate Investment

Applicants may purchase property valued at a minimum of $300,000 in a pre-approved real estate development area. The property must be owned and maintained for a minimum of five years.

Property registration, processing fees, and taxes must be paid in addition to the property purchase.

  • Government Bond Investment 

Upon approval, an applicant and accompanying family may invest in St. Lucia government bonds, which must be held for five years. The bond amount will vary depending on the size of the family.

-The basic amount is $350,000 (not dependent on the number of family members), of which $300,000 is the investment amount.

-A contribution of USD 25,000 will be required for each additional dependent

-The government bond option also carries an administration fee of $50,000 per application.

  • Enterprise Project Investment

Applicants may invest a minimum of $3.5 million in an approved enterprise project and create at least three jobs.

Two applicants may share an investment of $6 million and create six jobs to qualify. Approved enterprise projects must fall under one of the following categories:

  • specialty restaurants
  • cruise ports and marinas
  • agricultural processing plants
  • pharmaceutical products
  • ports
  • bridges
  • roads and highways
  • research institution and facilities or offshore universities

Qëndrimit të përhershëm

Permanent Residence can be applied for after five (5) years of continuous residence in St. Lucia. This period may be significantly reduced in certain circumstances, retirees purchasing property and taking up residence.

The advantage of having this status is that your passport is stamped with the permanent residence stamp, which obviates the application for residence permits every three months, and the inconvenience of time-consuming procedures at the port of entry after an overseas trip. This status does not entitle the permanent resident to work in St. Lucia, a work permit is still required.

Benefits Of Saint Lucia By Investment Program

  • Newly launched citizenship by investment program in the Caribbean
  • Visa travel to visit over 145 countries including the UK, EU Schengen states
  • Fast processing within 3 months
  • Lifetime citizenship for family and children
  • Profitable real estate investment
  • No physical residence requirements
  • Government bond option
  • St. Lucia recognizes dual citizenship
  • Applicants can include a spouse, children under 31, siblings under 18, and parents aged 56 and over, as well as add dependents after they have been granted citizenship.

Saint Lucia Citizenship Requirements And Qualifications

The requirements and qualifications required to obtain Saint Lucia residency or citizenship are the following:

Main applicant requirements

  • Above 18 years of age
  • Shendet i mire
  • Nuk ka precedentë penalë
  • Kaloni me sukses kontrollet e kujdesit të duhur
  • Receive approval from the Government
  • Burime investimi të konfirmuara

Eligible dependents

  • Spouse of the main applicant
  • Adult children (biological or adopted) under 25 years of age
  • Parents above 65 years of age

Saint Lucia Residency Requirements And Qualifications

A person who is not a citizen of St. Lucia, wishing to reside in St. Lucia can do so under the following conditions:

  • where that person comes to the island to work, a work permit must be obtained before arrival. Once the work permit is granted, the Immigration Department will stamp the individual passport (after arrival). This stamp grants the right to reside in St. Lucia for the duration of the work permit.
  • dependents of the person with the work permit will also have a similar stamp placed in their passport except that this stamp will exclude the right to work.
  • persons desiring to purchase property in St. Lucia and to take up residence without working can also do so. The acquisition of property by a person other than a citizen requires special permission from the Minister of legal affairs. This permission should be granted after the identity and character of the applicant are ascertained.

Hapat dhe afati kohor

  • HAPI #1: Përgatitja e dokumentacionit dhe përpilimi i skedarit
  • STEP #2: Submission of the fees to the Government
  • STEP #3: Signing the purchase and sale agreement (in case of real estate investment option)
  • STEP #4: Due diligence check is done on the applicants
  • HAPI #5: Investing approval under the different methods given.
  • STEP #6: Receiving the citizenship document package

Shërbimet tona

Privacy World ofron shërbimet e saj për këdo, jo vetëm që kërkon të marrë proceset e rezidencës dhe/ose nënshtetësisë, por ekspertët tanë gjejnë mënyra ligjore për:

  • Gjeni zgjidhjen më të mirë për nevojat tuaja.
  • Identifikoni dhe vendosni një strategji për t'ju ndihmuar të arrini qëllimet tuaja.
  • Aktivizoni rrjetin tonë të njerëzve në vendin ku keni nevojë për ndihmë pa kërkuar zgjidhjen ose avokatin më të mirë. Ne punojmë vetëm me njerëz të licencuar në çdo vend, të cilët i verifikojmë me kujdes dhe kalojmë udhëzimet dhe parimet e privatësisë që ne mbrojmë.
  • Përqendrohuni në shkurtimin e burokracisë dhe përshpejtimin e procesit tuaj.
  • Siguroni komunikimin e duhur me ju për rastin tuaj.
    …. dhe mbi të gjitha: Ju ofrojmë strategji ligjore për të ofruar shtresa shtesë të privatësisë për identitetin tuaj, gjatë marrjes së rezidencës ose shtetësisë!

Privacy World can also help you with incorporating your company in Saint Lucia, assisting in getting you settled in the country, and coordinating with you so that this experience will be less of a hassle.

Dëshironi Privacy World të trajtojë çështjen tuaj? Keni ndonjë pyetje? Na kontaktoni!

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Yes, Saint Lucia allows dual citizenship in all countries. It is worth checking with your current country if they also permit dual citizenship.

Yes, you can include your dependents on your application.

Saint Lucia Citizenship by Investment Program has no minimum stay requirement. As a citizen of Saint Lucia, you have the right to reside in the country for as long or little as you like.

Nationals from Iran, North Korea, and Somalia cannot apply for Saint Lucia Citizenship by Investment Program. In 2018, Saint Lucia Citizenship Unit announced, that they will not process applications from Iran, due to sanctions and due diligence providers unable to vet Iranians.

Asnjë intervistë nuk kërkohet.

No language test is required in Saint Lucia.

Once your application for citizenship by investment in Saint Lucia has been qualified for processing, it will take approximately ninety (90) days to be granted approval.

There is no fast-track option but you can get approved for a Saint Lucia citizenship within 3 months, which is among the quickest in the industry.

Residents of Saint Lucia pay personal income tax rates deriving from domestic activities. 

Non-resident individuals pay taxes in Saint Lucia, but only on income received from local sources.

There are no net wealth/worth taxes in Saint Lucia.

There are no inheritance taxes in Saint Lucia.
