About New Zealand Citizenship and Residency
New Zealand only offers residency by investment, there are two options for obtaining Permanent Residency in New Zealand. There is no direct and immediate citizenship by investment program in New Zealand. You must have been a resident for at least 5 years, and only traveled out for a short amount of time each year. You must therefore have been present for a total of at least 1,350 days and 240 days in each of those 5 years.
New Zealand Investor Visa
There are two categories of Investor visas in New Zealand, Investor 1 and Investor 2. The requirements are as follows:
Investor 1 Category Visa
- Investment of NZ$10,000,000 for 3 years
- No maximum age
- No English Language requirements
- Minimum stay of 88 days over 3 years
- No annual quota
Investor 2 Category Visa
- Investment of NZ$3,000,000 for 4 years
- Maximum age 66
- English Language requirement
- Minimum stay of 438 days over 4 years
- Annual quota of 400 applicants
New Zealand Entrepreneur Visa
New Zealand’s entrepreneur visa is open to applicants introducing high growth and innovative businesses with export potential to New Zealand.
- Capital Investment of NZ$100,000
- 120 points or more
- Clear business plan
- Existing business or management experience
- Health, character, and English language requirements
Benefits Of The New Zealand Residency By Investment Program
- No Restrictions: You can live, work, travel, and study in New Zealand indefinitely without any restrictions
- HealthCare Benefits: To receive free or subsidized healthcare and publicly-funded health services.
- International Education: To free education at state-run primary and secondary schools, and subsidized fees for domestic students at private schools and tertiary institutions.
- Voting Right: after one year of residence, you will be eligible to enroll and vote in elections.
- New Born Citizenship: Children born in New Zealand shall automatically gain citizenship of the country by birth.
- Apply for Citizenship: You can apply for New Zealand citizenship after staying in the country for several years, needless to say, you fulfill all their other criteria such as basic usage of the English language, communicative skills, good character, and a clear intent to continue staying the country.
- Employment Benefits: To work in New Zealand or the exclusive economic zone of New Zealand.
- Social Security Benefit: To receive a social security benefit (after two years’ residence for Jobseeker Support, Sole Parent Support, and Supported Living Payment; after ten years’ residence for New Zealand Superannuation; varies for other benefits).
- Sponsor Your Family: To sponsor a partner, parents, or dependent children during their visa application.
Zelanda e Re Residency Requirements And Qualifications
The requirements and qualifications required to obtain New Zealand residency or citizenship are listed above in the “About New Zealand Citizenship and Residency” section.
Hapat dhe afati kohor
Step 1: You apply for residency. Fill in your application form and send it with your supporting evidence, application fee, and immigration levy.
Step 2: Validate your application process, it may take several months.
Step 3: You transfer your funds to New Zealand and make your investment, you’ll have 12 months to transfer your funds and invest in an acceptable investment. Make sure that your funds or assets came from the sourced you named in your application.
Step 4: Granting your Visa Application.
Shërbimet tona
Privacy World ofron shërbimet e saj për këdo, jo vetëm që kërkon të marrë proceset e rezidencës dhe/ose nënshtetësisë, por ekspertët tanë gjejnë mënyra ligjore për:
- Gjeni zgjidhjen më të mirë për nevojat tuaja.
- Identifikoni dhe vendosni një strategji për t'ju ndihmuar të arrini qëllimet tuaja.
- Aktivizoni rrjetin tonë të njerëzve në vendin ku keni nevojë për ndihmë pa kërkuar zgjidhjen ose avokatin më të mirë. Ne punojmë vetëm me njerëz të licencuar në çdo vend, të cilët i verifikojmë me kujdes dhe kalojmë udhëzimet dhe parimet tona të privatësisë që ne mbrojmë.
- Përqendrohuni në shkurtimin e burokracisë dhe përshpejtimin e procesit tuaj.
- Siguroni komunikimin e duhur me ju për rastin tuaj.
…. dhe mbi të gjitha: Ju ofrojmë strategji ligjore për të ofruar shtresa shtesë të privatësisë për identitetin tuaj, gjatë marrjes së rezidencës ose shtetësisë!
Privacy World can also help you with incorporating your company in New Zealand, assisting in getting you settled in the country, and coordinating with you so that this experience will be less of a hassle.
Dëshironi Privacy World të trajtojë çështjen tuaj? Keni ndonjë pyetje? Na kontaktoni!