キプロス offers Citizenship by investment and Cyprus Permanent Residence Program. The Cyprus Citizenship by Investment program is the most assured route to gaining a European passport through investment in Real Estate.
In addition to the prescribed investment options below, applicants must donate €200,000, as follows:
– Donation to the Cyprus Research and Innovation Foundation または the Industry and Technology Service; または the Fund for Renewable Energy Sources and Conservation of Energy; または the National Solidarity Fund. – not less than EUR 100,000
– Donation to the Cyprus Land Development Corporation – EUR 100,000
投資によってキプロス市民権を取得するには、政府は主な申請者に対し、建物の購入または建設、土地開発、またはその他のインフラストラクチャ プロジェクトに少なくとも 200 万ユーロの投資を行うことを要求しています。土地開発は、商業または住宅、または観光部門の開発である可能性があります。
申請者は、最低額 200 万ユーロでキプロスを拠点とする企業または組織を購入、設立、または参加することにより、キプロス市民権を取得する資格を得ることができます。
Requirements for a Cypriot company/ organisation:
– Physical presence, substantial activity and operation in Cyprus.
– Must employ at least 5 Cypriot or EU nationals.
– Employees need to have legally and continuously resided in Cyprus for 5 years preceding the application.
– Investment objectives of the company/ organisation must be only in Cyprus and based on a specific investment plan.
– Applicants may be able to obtain a Cyprus passport by investing at least EUR 2 million in alternative funds or financial assets of Cyprus companies/organizations. Financial assets include bonds, bills, and securities issued by a company or organization physically present and active in Cyprus.
– The investment must be maintained for at least 5 years, which must be supported annually by auditor’s reports.
– Applicants are allowed to make a combined investment of the above options provided the total amount comes to not less than EUR 2 million.
– This option also allows investors to buy special government bonds of the Republic of Cyprus for up to EUR 500,000, to be held for at least 5 years.
The requirements and qualifications required to obtain Cyprus citizenship and Residency include the following:
Investing in Cyprus brings you not only a high-quality property investment but also a much coveted European passport.
The next step is carefully selecting the most suitable properties for you and arranging direct viewings in Cyprus. While you are in Cyprus, and after selecting the property, you’ll be required to sign a contract of sale and provide biometrics at the Civil Registry and Migration Department (CRMD).
Your documents will be evaluated with due diligence and submit your citizenship application to the Ministry of Interior, for preliminary approval. Once you receive an application approval from the Ministry of Interior, the procedure for the acquisition of Cyprus citizenship will be concluded, following the completion of a 6 month period holding the residence permit.
わずか約 180 日で、キプロス市民になり、EU 市民権が提供するすべての自由を楽しむことができます。
キプロス永住権プログラムは、適格な個人とその家族に、最低 300,000 ユーロの投資と引き換えに無期限にキプロスに居住する機会を提供します。居住資格を得るには、主たる申請者は 18 歳以上で、性格が良く、犯罪歴がなく、適格な投資オプションの 1 つに投資する必要があります。
STEP #1: Make the Investment
STEP #2: Submit your Application for Residence
STEP #3: Obtain your Permanent Residence Permit
You will need to decide what sort of real estate to invest in, visit Cyprus to view properties. Once all of the documents is submitted to the Civil Registry and Migration Department (and a fee of EUR 500 is paid), it will take up to two months for your application to be processed.
You’ll then be approved for residence in Cyprus; you’ll be issued with a residence permit that will make it possible for you to enter Cyprus.
また、Privacy World は、キプロスで会社を設立するのを支援し、国に定住するのを支援し、この経験が面倒にならないように調整します。
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