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收购: 36个月

所需资本: €100,000

收购: 36个月

所需资本: $100,000


波兰 does not prescribe a straightforward system that can lead to Citizenship and Residency by investment in this country. The only way to obtain citizenship here is by applying for a residence permit and then for a permanent residence permit and living in this country for the required period that can allow a person to be qualified for the procedures applicable to Polish citizenship.

Investment options available to acquire the citizenship and passport of Poland. 

  • 商业投资者签证

 商业投资者签证 对于想在该国投资的投资者,该计划不要求投资者投入大量的前期资金。想要移居该国并申请波兰公民身份的外国商人可以在特定条件下这样做。首先,他们至少需要投资 100,000 欧元 in a business that will then be evaluated as being profitable. The annual profit the company is expected to generate must be at least 15,000 欧元,这些财务方面是申请波兰公民身份的基本法律要求。外国商人应考虑的其他方面如下:

– the legislation for Poland immigration regarding citizenship stipulates that the foreign investor must have lived in this country for at least 3 years based on a permanent residence permit before applying for citizenship.

– the person must be the holder of a residence card and must have a profitable business in Poland (and pay taxes accordingly).

– the investor must have lived in Poland continuously, with the mention that breaks are allowed, as long as the overall period of not living here is less than 10 months.

– the applicant for citizenship in Poland must have a stable source of income, which can refer to income from dividends, income from work contracts, and other types of sources.

– proof of having a stable place to live, such as a long-term rental contract or proof of property ownership in Poland

– the command of the Polish language is also necessary.


– Joint Stock Companies

– Limited Joint Stock Partnerships

– Limited Liability Companies

– Limited Partnerships


  • 启动签证

启动签证 is another way of relocating to Poland through investment. This is a recent program that has been enabled in other countries around the world, but mainly in Europe. To obtain citizenship in Poland through a start-up visa, an entrepreneur must set up a business under specific conditions.

– The applicant must apply to the creation of a new enterprise in which he or she is a member of the board of directors.

– The business idea must be based on a tangible business plan and an innovative idea.

– The minimum amount of money required for the Start-Up Visa program is 1,200 欧元.

– The new company must contribute to the Polish economy through the creation of new jobs.

– The applicant must have health insurance.

The applicant must have obtained the consent of the competent authority to work in a certain position or in a specific profession if the obligation to obtain such consent is required by law.

– The applicant must have a guaranteed place in Poland.

  • 波兰国籍


– By Naturalization. 如果您持有永久居留许可在波兰连续居住至少三年,则可以通过入籍申请入籍。

– By Investment. 如果您是在波兰投资的商人,您有权获得居留许可,然后获得波兰公民身份。

您可以通过以下方式获得波兰公民身份 入籍 如果您满足以下任何条件:

  • 您持有永久居留许可在波兰连续居住至少三年。
  • 您在波兰有稳定的收入。
  • 您已与您的波兰配偶结婚至少三年。
  • 你未满 18 岁。
  • 您的父母一方拥有波兰公民身份。
  • 您持有波兰人卡 (Karta Polaka)。

获得波兰投资公民身份的过程更为复杂。如果您想在波兰开展业务,您首先会获得临时居留许可。您必须证明您的企业至少有收入 每年 15,000 欧元。 如果您持有临时居留证满三年,您可以申请永久居留证。在拥有永久居留权的波兰再居住三年后,您可以通过入籍申请波兰公民身份。


  • 入籍之路
  • 整个家庭(配偶和子女)都有权搬到永久居留地并获得财产。
  • 所有家庭成员都有权申请波兰公民身份登记。
  • 欧洲教育、医疗保健和生活水平。
  • 进入欧洲市场并有能力将产品出口到另一个国家。
  • 低税收
  • 低房价
  • 就负担得起的生活条件而言,这是一个完美的居住地。
  • You can pass the Polish borders for free.
  • You can get help from the Consul in case of required at-risk situations.
  • You can undertake legal work in Poland without applying for a work permit.
  • You can conduct any type of business activity in Polish territory.
  • You can use the free education system and the right to apply for scholarships.
  • You can use free healthcare in case of emergencies.
  • You can use a 37% discount on rail travel in Poland.
  • You can visit museums in Poland for free.
  • You can apply for funds from the Polish State Budget.



  • 你的护照—— 护照必须有效,并且必须有两张空白页用于盖签证章。
  • 波兰签证申请表 – 可以在线或在波兰大使馆或领事馆找到申请表。
  • 两张你自己的照片—— 照片应为35x40mm,并应以白色背景拍摄。
  • 旅行健康保险证明 – 健康保险必须在所有申根国家都有效,并且应涵盖 30,000 欧元。
  • 求职信 - 求职信应说明您的访问目的。
  • 资金充足证明
  • 已付签证费
  • 邀请函 - 邀请函可以由朋友或家人写,只要他们是目前居住在波兰的波兰公民即可。
  • 就业状况文件 – 工作合同可以用作您财务稳定的证明。


第 1 步:找到最近的波兰大使馆或领事馆 – 根据您的居住地,您可以通过以下方式之一申请波兰签证:

  • 波兰驻贵国大使馆或领事馆。
  • 波兰驻邻国大使馆或领事馆。
  • 波兰外包签证申请的另一个申根国家的大使馆或领事馆。
  • 波兰大使馆外包签证递交服务的私人签证申请中心或代理机构。

第 2 步:安排签证预约 – 必须在大使馆预约签证。您必须在计划访问波兰前至少两周申请波兰签证预约。

第 3 步:收集所需文件 – (要求如上)

第四步:亲自递交签证申请—— 在您预约之日,将签证申请和所有必需的文件提交给离您最近的波兰大使馆或领事馆。请确保您不要忘记任何要求,因为您的申请可能会立即被拒绝。

第 5 步:进入签证面谈 – 通常需要申根签证申请的面试部分。面谈过程是面谈者了解您来访原因和其他个人信息的可能性。你必须如实回答问题。

第 6 步:等待波兰签证处理 – 波兰签证申请的标准处理时间为 10 至 14 天。在某些情况下,该时间范围可能会延长 45-60 天。


Privacy World 向任何人提供服务,不仅希望获得居留权和/或公民身份,而且我们的专家会找出合法的方法来:

  • 找到满足您需求的最佳解决方案。
  • 确定并部署策略以帮助您实现目标。
  • 在您需要帮助的国家/地区激活我们的人际网络,而无需您寻找最佳解决方案或律师。我们只与我们仔细审查并通过我们所代表的隐私指南和原则的每个国家/地区的许可人员合作。
  • 专注于减少繁文tape节并加快您的流程。
  • 就您的案件与您进行适当的沟通。

Privacy World 还可以帮助您在波兰成立公司,协助您在该国安顿下来,并与您进行协调,从而减少这种经历的麻烦。

想要 Privacy World 处理您的案件吗?有任何问题吗? 联系我们!




在申请永久居留许可所需的期限内,您一次最多可在波兰境外逗留 6 个月,在波兰境外的所有逗留时间不得超过 10 个月。





您必须根据永久居留许可在波兰连续居住至少 3 年,并且在波兰有稳定和定期的收入来源。

作为波兰纳税居民,需为其全球收入缴纳 PIT。




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