Seychelles offers a citizenship by investment program available to an investor who has undertaken an investment of over USD 1 million or more in the country towards starting or expanding a business.
An investor is eligible to apply for Permanent Residence by meeting all the requirements below:
– Have made an investment of USD 1 million or more in a business in Seychelles.
– Have the means of supporting him/herself during 1 year of his/her residence in Seychelles upon receipt of the Permanent Residence Permit.
– Have at least 5 years of business association or affiliation as a result of his/her direct investment.
– Have resided in Seychelles for not less than 5 years on a Dependent Permit or a Gainful Occupation Permit (GOP).
– Have not been absent from Seychelles for a continuous period of one year or more, without consent from the Minister of Internal Affairs.
– Have not been sentenced to imprisonment for more than 1 year under any laws of Seychelles and isn’t prohibited immigrant.
The Permanent Residence Permit allows the holder:
– To work without a GOP (Gainful Occupation Permit)
– To be exempt from any other permit to live or work
– Can buy land and residential property with Government sanction, with only 50% of the Sanction Fee payment
You may apply for citizenship by naturalisation if you fall under the following criteria:
– You have been married to a Seychelles citizen (For marriages from 29th June 1976 and after) for a period of at least 10 years
– Has been a legal resident in Seychelles for a period of 5 years or more immediately before making this application
– You have obtained at least 80% marks in 1 of the 3 national languages in the citizenship qualifying examination
– You have not been sentenced to a term of imprisonment of 1 year or more for an offence punishable under any laws of Seychelles
– You have not been absent from Seychelles for a continuous period of one year or more without the written permission of the Minister.
There are some criteria that one should fulfill to get citizenship this way:
– You did not automatically become a citizen of Seychelles
– And any of your parent or grandparent was born in Seychelles
– You have not been sentenced to a term of imprisonment exceeding 1 year or more for an offence punishable under any laws of Seychelles
– You have obtained at least 80% marks in 1 of the 3 national languages in the citizenship qualifying examination
A Residence Permit may be granted to a person who:
A Residence Permit does not allow the holder to be gainfully occupied in Seychelles. The applicant will be required to produce documentary evidence of his/her financial status (including the Banker’s confirmation).
Condition of the Permit
There are certain other types of permits as well that can be considered important :
It is issued to a spouse or a minor child of a citizen of Seychelles, who is not:
There is a fee of SCR 1,000/- for the processing of the application. The fee for a Dependent’s Permit is SCR 1,000/- per year.
A Dependents Permit does not allow the holder to work in Seychelles. If the Permit holder wishes to do so, a Gainful Occupation Permit should be applied. The permit ceases to be valid if the holder:
A visitor’s permit is issued on arrival in Seychelles to a person who comes for the purpose of holiday, pleasure, business, visit friends or family and who –
The Visitor’s Permit may be granted for a period of visit of up to three months upon arrival. It can be extended for successive periods not exceeding three months at a time to a maximum period of twelve months, provided that the person still meets the criteria of a bona fide visitor.
The visitor’s permit is issued free of charge for the first three months after which, a fee of Sr. 5,000/‐ is applicable for extension covering each period of three months or any part thereof.
Extension of Visitor’s Permit is also subject to (a) ‐ (e) above.
An investor is eligible to apply for citizenship by the investment by meeting all the requirements below:
The first step is to Assess your eligibility as an investor to apply for Citizenship by Investment.
After that, the investor must pass the examination where he/she will have to answer 25 out of 100 questions in one of the three national languages (Creole, English, or French). The examination has a pass mark of 80% and is scheduled by the Department of Immigration and Civil Status every two months.
Thereafter, the application form must be personally collected from the Department of Immigration and Civil Status. One should then gather all their required documents, all birth and marriage certificates must be translated into English or French.
After this step you should get your documents signed and stamped, by either three of the following sponsors :
The next step is to advertise one’s intention to apply for Seychelles citizenship Publicly, this must be done for two consecutive days in a daily newspaper with high readership and once in the Official Gazette. A copy of the two adverts must be submitted along with your application.
After this, submission of one’s application takes place at the Immigration Office along with all supporting documents and the non-refundable processing fee of SCR 1,000 in cash.
The next step is to give the interview. The applicant must sit for an interview with the Citizenship Committee. The interview will be scheduled by the Department of Immigration and Civil Status.
In the end, one should wait for their application outcome. The Department of Immigration and Civil Status will inform you of the outcome of your Citizenship application. An application fee of SCR 350,000 must be paid upon approval of citizenship. If your application is denied, the department will inform you of the reason.
Privacy World offers its services to anyone, not only looking to obtain residency and/or citizenship processes but our experts figure out legal ways to:
Privacy World can also help you with incorporating your company in Seychelles, assisting in getting you settled in the country, and coordinating with you so that this experience will be less of a hassle.
Want Privacy World to handle your case? Have any questions? Contact us!