There are five commonly used paths to achieving Honduran Residency. Depending on the type of residency you apply for, there are potentially two different Federal Government Agencies involved: Instituto Nacional de Migración and the Secretaría de Gobernación, Justicia y Descentralizacion. Finding a local attorney is mandatory as it’s necessary for them to file your application. All residence types take an average of six to nine months to process in their entirety, but you may enter the country as a tourist and begin your application process while in Honduras.
Getting Honduran Citizenship
Once you have become a Honduran permanent resident, you must wait five years to apply for citizenship. To be eligible, you will need to have spent the majority of your time in the country during those five years.
Just as you need to obtain a good lawyer to get through the Honduran residency process, you will also need one to apply for citizenship.
Five commonly used paths to achieving Honduran Residency
1. Rentista – individuals who have a permanent guaranteed monthly income of at least $2,500 from an external/foreign source. This income can be from rental properties, investment dividends, interests, or other sources that are not related to employment.
2. Pensionado (Retiree) – available for individuals who have a pension-type income (permanent, from a government or financial institution, or business pension fund) of at least $1,500 a month.
3. Inversionista (Investor)
1. Project description and amount of investment, which must be at least US $50,000.00.
2. Proof of having transferred a minimum of $25,000.00 into Honduras at the time of application.
3. Present a timeline for the investment.
4. Within sixty days of a favorable resolution authorizing the Residency, present an Investment Plan.
5. Register with the Secretary of Industry and Commerce.
4. Kinship/Relative – individuals who are directly related to a Honduran national (parent or child) or to a person married to a Honduran national.
5. Permiso de Permanencia de País Como de Empresario de Extranjero – a type of residency via the work permit law which requires the foreigner first to create a Honduran corporation or legal business entity and then applies for residency as the owner of that entity.
Below are the steps to obtain a Honduras Residence Permit:
Step 1: Gather the necessary documents
Step 2: fill out the application form for a Honduras residence permit.
Step 3: Submit the necessary documents and pay your application fee at the Immigration Department
Step 4: wait for the Immigration Department to decide on your form.
Step 5: Make your payment of the final fee once approved.
Privacy World offers its services to anyone, not only looking to obtain residency and/or citizenship processes but our experts figure out legal ways to:
Privacy World can also help you with incorporating your company in Honduras, assisting in getting you settled in the country and coordinating with you so that this experience will be less of a hassle.
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