Anguilla is a British Overseas Territory and is totally governed and run by Britain’s government. They run all the foreign relations and defense departments. Anguilla offers immediate permanent residency to those who donate to a government-administered fund or invest in local real estate above a certain minimum threshold. After five years of de facto residence, the applicant is eligible for British Overseas Territory Citizenship (BOTC) and, consequently, an Anguillan passport.
Permanent Residency by Donation
The donation option requires you to donate at least $150,000 U.S. to the capital development fund. There is also an extra $50,000 donation per dependent. An additional application fee of $3000 U.S. for a family of up to 4 persons applies, with $500 for each additional family member. There is also a $7500 due diligence fee per adult and $3000 for each dependent. These fees, excluding the donations, apply to all.
Permanent Residency by Real Estate
As for the real estate option, for a family of four, you need to purchase a home worth at least $750,000 U.S. An additional $100,000 U.S. investment will be required for each additional person. Investors can submit for conditional approval of the application before committing to the investment. The property needs to be retained for a minimum of 5 years.
Anguilla Tax Residency
Last but not least, the annual tax residency program requires the individual to have a house worth at least $400,000 U.S. for a minimum of five years. This enables the investor to gain worldwide tax residency in Anguilla for an annual payment of $75,000. The real estate must be held for the duration of the residence in Anguilla. You must spend a minimum of 45 days in Anguilla each year and no more than 183 days in any other country to keep your tax residency.
Year-Round, Unrestricted Permanent Residency. If successful, you and your close family members will enjoy the immediate right to permanent residency in Anguilla year-round without being subject to immigration control.
High Quality of Life. Surrounded by crystal clear Caribbean sea, the small island of Anguilla- a British Overseas Territory in the Caribbean- is perhaps best known for its breathtaking beaches which are without a doubt, some of the best beaches in the world.
No Direct Taxation. Best of all, Anguilla offers a highly attractive tax regime. A well-regulated offshore jurisdiction, the island is a zero-tax jurisdiction with no forms of direct taxation: no income tax, no capital gain tax, no inheritance tax, and no corporation tax.
Pathway to Becoming a British Overseas Territories Citizen. Becoming a permanent resident of Anguilla also offers a pathway to becoming a British Overseas Territories Citizen (BOTC) and eventually a Citizen of the UK, although this is a much lengthier process. To become a British Overseas Territories Citizen (BOTC) via naturalization requires an applicant to have been lawfully resident in Anguilla for five years before the date of application. Becoming a Citizen of the UK requires a similar time requirement.
Required Documents
Capital development fund contribution:
Real estate investment:
Tax residency high-value resident (HVR) program:
Processing fee:
Permit fees under the real estate investment option:
Due Diligence Fees:
Step 1: Find an Authorized Agent. The only way to submit the application for the Anguilla Visa and obtain permanent residency through it is through an authorized agent. Then gather all the correct documents.
Step 2: Choose Your Investment. Once you have found an authorized agent to work with, you should consider which investment option you would like to go with. This is a very personal choice. Consider consulting your financial advisor to find the best option for you and your long-term goals.
Step 3: Submit Application. Through your authorized agent, you may submit your Anguilla visa application and required documents before you make your qualifying investment. At this time, you will pay the application and due diligence fees for you and your dependents. Once your application is processed, you will receive a Letter of Approval in Principle. This allows you to move forward with your proposed investment to obtain permanent residency in Anguilla.
Step 4: Make Your Investment. After receiving the Letter of Approval in Principle, you can officially make your qualifying investment for the Anguilla Visa. If purchasing property, the process may take a bit longer, but it will be worth the couple extra weeks to have a home on the island.
Step 5: Receive Permanent Residency Permits. The entire Anguilla Visa process should take between three and four months. Afterward, you will receive your permanent residence permits and have the right in Anguilla permanently.
Privacy World offers its services to anyone, not only looking to obtain residency and citizenship processes but our experts figure out legal ways to:
Privacy World can also help you with incorporating your company in Anguilla, assisting in getting you settled in the country, and coordinating with you so that this experience will be less of a hassle.
Want Privacy World to handle your case? Have any questions? Contact us!