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여권 순위
비자 면제 국가

인수: 2-4 개월

필요한 자본: €400,000

인수: -

필요한 자본: -

About Andorra Citizenship and Residency

Andorra only offers residency programs at the moment. Citizenship cannot be bought; you would need to complete 20 years of residency or you can fast-track your citizenship application and reduce this time to 10 years of residency if you complete mandatory education within Andorra.

There are two main residency categories in Andorra:

Passive Residency

  • Residency with no activity:
    – Reside a minimum of 90 days a year to keep your residency.
    – Invest €400,000 in either real estate, hold share capital or equity in an Andorran company, or an alternative financial investment method within the principality of Andorra (such as: securities with INAF, debt instruments by Andorran resident entities or any public administration).
    – Prove that you can support yourself.
    – Deposit €50,000 for yourself. If you have any dependents, then you must deposit an additional €10,000 for each of them.
  • Residency through business activity:
    – Deposit €50,000 for yourself. If you have any dependents, then you must deposit an additional €10,000 for each of them.
    – Prove that you can support yourself.
    – Maintain at least 1 employee in Andorra.
    – Generate at least 85% of the revenue outside the country.
  • Residency via sport, culture, or scientific reasons:
    – Deposit €50,000 for yourself. If you have any dependents, then you must deposit an additional €10,000 for each of them.
    – Prove that you can support yourself.
    – Reside a minimum of 90 days a year to keep your residency.


Active Residency

You also have the option to be an active resident of Andorra, in which case you must:

  • Spend at least 183 days a year in the country.
  • Use Andorra as your main home.
  • Be a resident who has an active work contract in the country or be self-employed.
  • Incorporate your company in the country and fulfill all licensing requirements.
  • Deposit €3,000 into a local bank.
  • Pass an interview with the government.
  • Register with CASS (Caixa Andorrana de la Seguretat Social) which is the local health department.
  • Pass a medical exam.
  • Deposit €15,000 with INAF (you are exempt from this if you have at least 1 employee).
  • Submit all requested documentation for your application.
  • Must own at least 11% of the company and be a director.
  • Dependents must wait until after 12 months of your approval.


Benefits Of The Andorra Residency By Investment Program

  • No automatic exchange of banking information about its tax residents.
  • Only 90 days of stay is required to maintain passive residency.
  • Virtually no crime rate in the country.
  • One of the best healthcare systems in the world.
  • Access to top-notch education.
  • As a resident, you have free movement between Andorra, Spain, and France without any restrictions.


Andorra Residency Requirements And Qualifications

The requirements and qualifications required to obtain Andorra residency or citizenship is listed above in the “About Andorra Citizenship and Residency” section.

단계 및 타임라인

  • STEP #1: Collection of documents.
  • STEP #2: Opening a bank account and transferring money.
  • STEP #3: Application with the Andorran government.
  • STEP #4: Pass the medical examination.
  • STEP #5: Transfer money to INAF.
  • STEP #6: Wait for approval by the Andorran Immigration.
  • STEP #7: After approval, make the investment within 6 months.

The total timeline takes between 2-4 months, depending on due diligence checks, accuracy of paperwork and potential slowdowns in governments due to COVID.

우리의 서비스

Privacy World는 거주 및/또는 시민권 취득 절차를 원할 뿐만 아니라 당사 전문가들이 다음과 같은 법적 방법을 찾는 모든 사람에게 서비스를 제공합니다.

  • 귀하의 요구 사항에 가장 적합한 솔루션을 찾으십시오.
  • 목표를 달성하는 데 도움이 되는 전략을 식별하고 배포합니다.
  • 최고의 솔루션이나 변호사를 찾지 않고도 도움이 필요한 국가에서 당사의 네트워크를 활성화하십시오. 우리는 신중하게 심사하고 우리가 지지하는 개인 정보 보호의 지침과 원칙을 통과한 모든 국가의 허가된 사람들과만 협력합니다.
  • 불필요한 절차를 생략하고 프로세스를 가속화하는 데 집중하십시오.
  • 귀하의 사례에 대해 귀하와 적절한 의사 소통을 제공하십시오.
    … 그리고 무엇보다도: 거주지 또는 시민권을 획득하면서 신원에 대한 추가 개인 정보 보호 계층을 제공하는 법적 전략을 제공합니다!

Privacy World can also help you with incorporating your company in Andorra, assisting in getting you settled in the country and coordinating with you so that this experience will be less of a hassle.

Privacy World가 귀하의 사건을 처리하기를 원하십니까? 질문이 있으신가요? 문의하기!


자주 묻는 질문

No. Upon obtaining your citizenship in Andorra, you will have to surrender your current passport.

A minimum of 90 days of stay per month is required for passive residency and 183 days minimum for active residency.

Yes, you must make an appearance in person to enroll.

No, Andorra does not require one for residency.

현재 전 세계 모든 시민이 신청할 수 있습니다.

어떤 경우에는 인터뷰를 할 필요가 없습니다.

It takes approximately 20 years to obtain citizenship through residency or it can be reduced to 10 years if you complete mandatory education requirements in Andorra.

If you spend more than 183 days a year in Andorra, then you are responsible to pay personal income tax on your global income.

If you spend less than 183 days a year in Andorra, then you are only liable for income that derives from Andorra.

No, Andorra does not have any net worth or wealth taxes.

No, Andorra does not have any inheritance taxes.
