Saint Kitts and Nevis offers Citizenship by Investment, The citizenship program was established in 1984. The Government of Saint Kitts and Nevis has a long-running Citizenship by Investment program attracting foreigners, who make substantial contributions to the development of the country. Investors along with any family members can directly qualify for citizenship through investment, either by making a donation or investment in a real estate purchase.
There are four ways in which an applicant can apply for citizenship under St. Kitts and Nevis Citizenship by Investment Program.
Under a limited-time offer (LTO) available for six months from January 2023 to 30 June 2023, the following non-refundable contributions apply.
Main applicant – USD 125,000
Main applicant and a spouse – USD 150,000
Main applicant, a spouse, and two dependants – USD 170,000
For each additional dependent under 18 years old – USD 10,000
For each additional dependent over 18 years old – USD 25,000
Application submitted under the LTO will qualify for the Accelerated Application Process, with a shortened processing time from 90 days to 60 days, at no additional cost.
From 1 July 2023, the non-refundable contribution requirement will revert to USD 150,000 for a single applicant, USD 175,000 for a main applicant and a spouse, USD 195,000 for a main applicant, a spouse, and two dependants, USD 10,000 for each additional dependent under 18 years old, and USD 25,000 for each additional dependent over 18 years old.
2. Public Good Investment Option
A non-refundable contribution of USD 175,000.
3. Real Estate Acquisition
The purchase of real estate with a minimum value of USD 200,000 from an approved real estate development, or a minimum of USD 400,000 for an approved private home. The real estate purchased under both options can be resold after seven years.
4. Opzione di investimento alternativo
Under this new option, an applicant can place an investment in the escrow account of an approved infrastructural project or other approved development project.
Per essere approvato per l'uso in un'applicazione, il progetto deve:
Il costo dell'investimento varierà a seconda che il progetto sia, eventualmente, di proprietà dello Stato (US$175.000) o di un ente privato (US$200.000).
Se alla fine di proprietà dello stato, le tasse governative si applicano come segue:
Richiedente principale: USD 35.000
Coniuge - USD 20.000
Fratello - 40.000 USD
Per ogni altra persona a carico (diversa dal coniuge o da un fratello) – USD 10.000
Se eventualmente di proprietà di un ente privato, le tasse governative si applicano come segue:
Famiglia fino a quattro persone: 50.000 USD
Fratello - 40.000 USD
Per each additional dependent other than a spouse (to be included in the family of four) or a sibling – USD 10,000
Elaborazione accelerata della domanda
The Accelerated Application Process (AAP) approved by the Government of Saint Kitts and Nevis in October 2016 allows applications with the Citizenship by Investment Program to be accelerated to a 60-day processing period. The applications are mostly completed within 45 days. An interested person applying to utilize the AAP will still be required to meet all mandatory criteria and submit the necessary supporting documents to apply for citizenship by investment.
Applications will be given accelerated treatment from the Citizenship by Investment Unit, Due Diligence Providers, and St. Kitts and Nevis Passport Office. As a bonus, this process also includes the application and processing of St. Kitts and Nevis passports.
Commissioni di processo AAP
Diligenza dovuta
I requisiti del programma sono abbastanza semplici, che includono:
Principali requisiti del richiedente
Familiari idonei che possono essere inclusi in una domanda
Passaggio 1: preparare i documenti - Consulenti esperti in materia di cittadinanza raccolgono e controllano tutti i documenti per verificarne la conformità e assicurano che tutti i requisiti siano soddisfatti.
Passaggio 2: invia la tua domanda - Una volta raccolti tutti i tuoi documenti originali, gli specialisti della cittadinanza esamineranno il tuo fascicolo e lo prepareranno per la presentazione. Il file completo sarà presentato al governo di St. Kitts e Nevis tramite un agente locale autorizzato, come richiesto dalla legge.
Step 3: Processing of Application – The Government vets each application through a due diligence background check, during which time submitted information is examined and verified. There is currently no interview requirement.
Passaggio 4: Ricevi la tua pre-approvazione - Una volta che la domanda è stata esaminata dal governo e la decisione è stata presa, al richiedente verrà inviata una lettera di comunicazione della decisione. Questa lettera ti sarà inoltrata.
Passaggio 5: completa il tuo investimento - Una volta approvata la tua domanda, ti verrà richiesto di completare il tuo investimento (contributo a fondo perduto o prezzo di acquisto dell'immobile).
Passaggio 6: acquisire il passaporto di St. Kitts e Nevis - Upon completion of the investment your citizenship certificate will be issued and your passport application will be submitted on your behalf. No visit to St. Kitts and Nevis is required, your passport will be couriered to your preferred address.
Privacy World offre i suoi servizi a chiunque, non solo cerchi di ottenere procedure di residenza e/o cittadinanza, ma i nostri esperti escogitano modi legali per:
Privacy World can also help you incorporate your company in Saint Kitts and Nevis, assisting in getting you settled in the country and coordinating with you so that this experience will be less of a hassle.
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