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Classement du passeport
Pays sans visa

Acquisition: -

Capital requis: -

Acquisition: 60 mois

Capital requis: €250,000

About Serbia Citizenship and Residency

Serbia offers an excellent scheme for obtaining citizenship for foreigners who want to live in the country. Serbia citizenship by investment is a great program for foreigners. Applicants can also apply for family members, children up to 25 years old, or parents over 65 years old. Applicants are not required to have experience in the field to open a business or make investments in Serbia to gain citizenship and there is no obligation to know the language.


Options d'investissement

  • Non-reimbursable donation of at least EUR 250,000
  • Acquisition of property worth at least EUR 250,000
  • A business investment of at least EUR 500,000 and the employment of at least 4 Serbian worker


In addition to the minimum investment amount, applicants must also consider a government fee of EUR 25,000 or EUR 50,000 for investments of at least EUR 500,000 and a fee of EUR 7,500 for due diligence. This type of fee applies to each applicant, and other taxes will be paid to family members.


Serbia is a very attractive investment destination, not only for people who want to move there. It’s a growing economy that has close ties and trade agreements with many countries in Europe, and there is a favorable tax system that benefits companies and individuals. Other reasons to consider investing in Serbia are the following:


  • The population is generally young and well educated, so it’s easy to stuff a business
  • It’s affordable not only in Serbia but also to set up a company
  • Around 70% of FDI in Serbia is from EU countries, and there are very strong ties between Serbia and many other European countries
  • The rest of the investors in Serbia include Switzerland and Hongkong
  • In 2019, about 44 billion US dollars were invested in Serbia by foreigners
  • Serbia has equal business and investment opportunities for foreigners and locals



Benefits Of Serbia Citizenship By Investment Program


  • It’s open to EU and non-EU residents
  • There are several options to support your application, including starting a business, buying property, or making a financial investment.
  • Your family can accompany you
  • It only takes about three months to complete the process
  • A Serbian passport will get you visa-free travel to over 140 countries
  • Serbia is a stable country with a strong, growing economy


Serbia Citizenship Requirements And Qualifications

When you apply for citizenship by investment in Serbia, you need to meet general immigration requirements, which means you can’t be a security threat, you can’t have a criminal record, and you need to have enough funds (besides your investment) to be able to support your self and your accompanying family in the country.


Specific requirements

  • You need to be 18 years or older
  • You need to invest 250,000 Euros or more in purchasing property in Serbia
  • You need to make a 250,000 Euro donation to the government ( not refundable)
  • You need to spend at least 500,000 Euros on a business in Serbia, and you need to employ at least four local people in the business.



Étapes et chronologie


Étape 1: Decide which investment option you want to use to support your application and make the investment.

Étape 2: You need to complete your application and the application for anyone who is accompanying you, including all the required documents.

Étape 3: Submit your application with the documents to the Serbian government.

Étape 4: You will pay for the application fees, which are 25,000 euros for property or donations and 50,000 euros for the business investment option. And 7,500 euros due diligence fee for your application. Additional fees will apply for any accompanying family members but are lower than the primary applicant.

Étape 5 : The Serbian government will review your application to make sure you are eligible for citizenship in Serbia, and if you are, they will issue the paperwork that will allow you to get a Serbian passport and move to the country.



Nos services

Privacy World offre ses services à tous ceux qui cherchent non seulement à obtenir des processus de résidence et/ou de citoyenneté, mais nos experts trouvent des moyens légaux pour :

  • Trouvez la meilleure solution pour vos besoins.
  • Identifiez et déployez une stratégie pour vous aider à atteindre vos objectifs.
  • Activez notre réseau de personnes dans le pays où vous avez besoin d'aide sans avoir à chercher la meilleure solution ou le meilleur avocat. Nous ne travaillons qu'avec des personnes agréées dans chaque pays que nous examinons attentivement et respectons les directives et les principes de confidentialité que nous défendons.
  • Concentrez-vous sur la réduction des formalités administratives et accélérez votre processus.
  • Fournir une communication appropriée avec vous au sujet de votre cas.
    …. et surtout : vous proposer des stratégies juridiques pour fournir des couches supplémentaires de confidentialité pour votre identité, tout en obtenant votre résidence ou votre citoyenneté !

Privacy World can also help you with incorporating your company in Serbia, assisting in getting you settled in the country, and coordinating with you so that this experience will be less of a hassle.

Vous voulez que Privacy World s'occupe de votre cas ? Avez-vous des questions? Contactez-nous!



Serbian law allows dual citizenship. Therefore, the applicant does not have to renounce his/her original citizenship.

A foreign national shall be eligible to submit an application for permanent residence after five years of having been continuously approved for temporary residence in the Republic of Serbia.

Oui, vous pouvez inclure vos personnes à charge.

No, qualified citizens of any recognized country can apply.

Oui, un entretien s'impose.

Yes, proficiency in the  Serbian language.

The naturalization process into Serbian citizenship takes a total of 8 years. It requires at least 3 years of permanent residence, which itself takes 5 years before you can obtain permanent residence status.

Residents of Serbia are liable to personal income tax on their worldwide income.

Non-residents of Serbia are liable to pay tax only on income earned in Serbia.

There is no net worth/wealth tax in Serbia.

Individuals inheriting property in Serbia are liable to pay inheritance tax. The taxable base is the market value of the inheritance fewer debts and expenses related to the inherited property.
