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Classement du passeport
Pays sans visa

Acquisition: 3-6 mois

Capital requis: $42,500

Acquisition: -

Capital requis: -

About Ecuador Citizenship and Residency

There is NO such thing as obtaining Ecuador Citizenship by Investment without first becoming a Permanent Resident of Ecuador within 5 years of living in Ecuador, first as a Temporary Resident for one’s initial 2 years in Ecuador, followed thereafter by an additional 3 years in Ecuador as a Permanent Resident, to be able to finally qualify for Ecuadorian Citizenship at that then time.

Under new regulations that took effect on March 10, 2022, Ecuador‘s residency program qualifies as one of the best in the world and one of the easiest paths to citizenship. Ecuador offers a temporary resident visa to start, from which you can move on to a permanent resident visa.

After 21 months of being a temporary resident and continuously living in Ecuador, you can apply for a Permanent Residency Visa (PRV). Under the Permanent Residency Visa, you are allowed to stay out of the country for up to 180 days during the first two years, each year. After the second year, you can be out of the country for up to 2 years to keep your Permanent Residency Visa status. In a case of non-compliance with this law, a fine of up to 50% of the basic unified salary must be paid. Following the second year, permanent residence holders may remain outside the country for up to two years. If the holder does not return to the country within the two-year time frame, the visa will be canceled.

There are a variety of programs to apply for temporary residence in Ecuador which 3 are listed below. For all the programs listed below the applicant should be aware that they can leave only 90 days per year for the first 2 years to maintain the residency status.

Types of resident visas are as follows:

1. Pensioner Visa

 For individuals who receive a stable pension or another form of consistent income of at least 3 minimum Ecuadorian minimum wages [$1275 per month]. You do not have to be 65 years of age or older to qualify for a Pensioner’s Visa. As long as you have an income of $1275/mo (and $200/mo for each adult children dependent) coming to you in perpetuity, and you can prove it, you qualify for the Pensioner’s Visa.

2. Inversionista (Investor) Visa

  • As of this year, the required investment for each type of investor visa is the same: 100 times the monthly minimum wage. For 2022, this is US$42,500.

Here are the most common types of investments used by ex-pats to qualify for an investor visa:

  • A certificate of deposit (CD): You must show that it’s contracted through an Ecuadorian bank for at least 730 days…
  • Ecuadorian real estate: You’ll need to present the property title, showing an assessed value of at least 100 times the minimum wage. If the property is jointly owned, then the applicant’s half must be worth the required minimum…
  • Shares of an Ecuadorian company are valued at the required minimum.

3. Professional VISA

  • Period: 2 years initially, indefinite upon renewal
  • Entries allowed: Multiple
  • Time outside Ecuador: Max 90 days per year for the first 2 years. 
  • No evidence of employment required
  • Visa isn’t linked to employment in Ecuador (or anywhere)
  • Low proof of income is required ($2,550 within the last 6 months)
  • Not linked to any investment so frees up capital
  • Cheap at $450 for a visa that lasts 2 years

Main requirements:

  1.  A bachelor, or higher, a level degree from a university recognized by the Ecuadorian government (SENESYCT); and
  2. The course was taken predominantly in-person (not online).

To Be Eligible For Permanent Residency, You Must Be:

  • The holder of a temporary resident visa, for at least 21 months;
  • Married to (or have a civil union with) an Ecuadorian citizen or permanent resident;
  • A minor or disabled person who is dependent on an Ecuadorian citizen or permanent resident;
  • Related to an Ecuadorian citizen or permanent resident, by at least the second degree of consanguinity or affinity.

Ecuador has one of the world’s quickest citizenship programs. You can be naturalized after just three years of residency… or after just two years if you marry an Ecuadorian citizen.

Citizenship requirements:
– Continuous and legal residence of at least three years in Ecuador.
– Be an adult/consent of the minor’s parents or legal guardians.
– Birth certificate or supplementary test duly legalized and translated into Spanish.
– Copy of the identity document or copy of the valid passport, duly legalized.
– Knowledge of the patriotic symbols of Ecuador
– Attend an interview, explaining the reasons for the will to acquire Ecuadorian nationality.
– Proof of sufficient economic means for subsist in the country.

Benefits Of The Ecuador Residency By Investment Program

  1. Faible coût de la vie
  2. High-Quality Health Care
  3. Ecuador is Connected and Accessible
  4. Low Property Prices
  5. Residency Visas are Straightforward
  6. be eligible for permanent residency in a short period.

Ecuador Residency Requirements And Qualifications

Temporary Residency Requirements:

– Valid passport, travel document, or identity recognized through International Instruments.
– Certificate of criminal record of the country of origin or in which he/she has resided during the last five years, before his / her arrival in Ecuadorian territory.
– Proof of sufficient means of subsistence in Ecuador.
– Join the public social security system or purchase private health insurance.
– Payment of the Fee set by the Migration Authorities.
– Certificate of Migration

Étapes et chronologie

Step 1: Fingerprints

The first step in the process of getting your Ecuador Temporary Resident Visa is getting your fingerprints taken.

Step 2: Background Check

Step 3: Gather Visa-Specific Requirements/Documents

Step 4: Request an Appointment with the Ministry

You can go to any of the ministry offices in Ecuador to submit your application, but some have longer waits than others. Your visa agent will know which office is best at the time.

Step 5: Fill Out and Notarize the Visa Application Form

The visa application form is in Spanish and must be filled out in Spanish. Once it’s filled out, you’ll need to go to a notary to have it notarized. You need to sign the application in front of the notary after showing him or her your identification.

Step 6: Submit Your Application

Once you have your completed visa application form and all the other required documentation with apostilles as needed, go to the ministry office on the date of your appointment to submit your application. You’ll need your passport as identification.

This process is different if your visa will be issued in your home country. Your visa agent will help with that process.

Step 7: Get Your Visa from the Ministry

Once your visa is approved, the government issues an electronic visa that is digitally attached to your passport number. They no longer attach a physical visa sticker to your passport. Again, if your passport is about to expire, we recommend renewing it first before applying for your Ecuador temporary resident visas.

Step 8: Get a Cédula

After receiving your temporary resident visas, took them to the government office in Cuenca to get your cédula, as your official government-issued identification card.

It took about an hour to get the cédula and the cost was $5. You are not required to get a cédula; however, your ex-pat life in Ecuador will be much easier and you’ll have more banking options available to you if you have one. You will need a cédula to apply for the public IESS health insurance.

There are lots of steps involved with getting your Ecuador Temporary Resident Visa, and it usually takes 3 to 6 months.

Nos services

Privacy World offre ses services à tous ceux qui cherchent non seulement à obtenir des processus de résidence et/ou de citoyenneté, mais nos experts trouvent des moyens légaux pour :

  • Trouvez la meilleure solution pour vos besoins.
  • Identifiez et déployez une stratégie pour vous aider à atteindre vos objectifs.
  • Activez notre réseau de personnes dans le pays où vous avez besoin d'aide sans avoir à chercher la meilleure solution ou le meilleur avocat. Nous ne travaillons qu'avec des personnes agréées dans chaque pays que nous examinons attentivement et respectons nos directives et principes de confidentialité que nous défendons.
  • Concentrez-vous sur la réduction de la paperasserie et pour accélérer votre processus.
  • Fournir une communication appropriée avec vous au sujet de votre cas.
    …. et surtout : vous proposer des stratégies juridiques pour fournir des couches supplémentaires de confidentialité pour votre identité, tout en obtenant votre résidence ou votre citoyenneté !

Privacy World can also help you with incorporating your company in Ecuador, assisting in getting you settled in the country and coordinating with you so that this experience will be less of a hassle.

Vous voulez que Privacy World s'occupe de votre cas ? Avez-vous des questions? Contactez-nous!



Dual citizenship is recognized in Ecuador. You are not required to renounce your previous nationality to become a citizen of Dominican Republic.

Yes, the dependents of the applicant can be included in the application.

You are only allowed for visa-free travel for 90 days and must leave the country before 90 days.

After a minimum of 21 months, you are eligible to apply for a permanent residence visa in the same category.

Yes, you must live in Ecuador with residency for three years and complete the process of citizenship to become a citizen in the country.

Yes, an applicant who holds permanent resident requires to stay up to 180 days every year, for the first two years from the date of issue of the permanent residence visa. After the second year, the holder may reside outside the country for up to two years.

Yes, you need to stay for 90 non-consecutive days during the 21 months.

Aucune nationalité n'est officiellement restreinte.

Yes. An interview is required  when applying for citizenship in Ecuador.

Yes. You will be required to know spoken Spanish during the interview.

Non-residents are taxed on their Ecuadorian-source income.

Tax residents are subject to Personal Income Tax on their worldwide income.

Yes. Inheritances and gifts are taxed at a progressive tax rate of up to 35%.

There is no net worth tax in Ecuador.
