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获得: 3个月

所需资金: €360,000

获得: 84个月

所需资金: 360,000


德国 doesn’t have direct citizenship by investment or a Golden Visa program. But if you start a qualifying business in the country, you can be eligible for German residency.

Investment options available to acquire the citizenship and passport of Germany. 



德国创业签证没有最低金额要求。然而,一个非官方的建议是您应该计划投资于 至少 360,000 欧元.这笔款项表明您的投资将满足德国政府规定的所有要求。


如果你想创业,你必须获得一个 居留许可证 以自雇为目的 《居留法》第 21 条第 (1) 款 如果满足以下要求:

  • 您的产品或服务具有经济利益或区域需求。
  • 他们的活动预计会对经济产生积极影响。
  • 您已通过股权或贷款承诺为实施融资提供担保。 
  • 如果您超过 45 岁,只有在您还可以证明您有适当的养老金计划的情况下才能签发签证。


如果您想成为自由职业者的个体经营者,您可以选择根据 《居留法》第 21 条第 (5) 款.您必须满足以下要求: 

  • 你可以证明你的项目是有资金的。
  • 您拥有从事您计划作为自由职业者从事的职业的执照。
  • 如果您超过 45 岁,您还必须证明您有足够的养老金准备金。

One of the most important requirements of a Freelancer Visa is having a registered living address in Germany. The procedure of registering your residence is called Anmeldung. What you have to do is:

  1. Find a place to live. You can also find accommodation before you travel to Germany, but you have to register your living address within 14 days of moving in.
  2. Make an appointment at the local Resident’s Registration Office (Bürgeramt). Depending on the specific Registration Office, you could do this online without having to visit the office in person.
  3. Prepare the following documents:
    1. Your passport.
    2. The registration form. You can download this online or get it at the Registration Office.
    3. Rental agreement.
    4. Confirmation of moving in from your landlord. The confirmation must contain the landlord’s name and address, your move-in date, and your new apartment’s address.
    5. Civil status documents, such as birth or marriage certificates.
  4. Submit the documents (in person) at the Bürgeramt on the date of your appointment.
  5. Wait to get your MeldebescheinigungThis is the document confirming your residence registration, and you usually get the certificate on the same day.
  6. Wait to receive a Tax ID number. You need this number to register your freelance activity with the German Tax Office. This process could take a few weeks, so make sure to start the application process as early as you can.

Registering with the Tax Office

To begin freelancing, you have to register with the German Tax Office (Finanzamt) and declare your freelance activity or business and get a freelance tax number (Steuernummer). To do this, you have to:

  1. Complete the Questionnaire for Tax Collection (Fragebogen zur steuerlichen Erfassung)*. You can complete this form online, via the website of the German Ministry of Finances (Bundesministerium der Finanzen) or you can request it from the Finanzamt. You should have the following information at hand:
    1. Your Tax ID Number. The one you received when you registered your address.
    2. Your bank information.
    3. A detailed description of your freelance activity or business.
  2. Find the local Finanzamt (Tax Office). Make an appointment, if one is required.
  3. Send the questionnaire to the Finanzamt in person. You may also be able to mail it, depending on the specific office.
  4. Wait to receive your freelance tax number (Steuernummer). It could take a few weeks, and you should receive it via mail.

*If you are a business owner: You have to register your business and get a license at the local Trade Office (Gewerbeschein) before you complete the Questionnaire for Tax Collection.

Registering with the tax office can be quite daunting and complex, especially for freelancers who have no experience with the German tax system.



  • 您必须持居留许可在德国居住至少八年,或者
  • 您必须持居留许可在德国居住七年并参加了融合课程(在特殊融合情况下为六年)
  • 您必须证明至少 B1 的德语水平。
  • 您必须在没有国家任何帮助的情况下在经济上能够养活自己和家人。
  • 您必须是守法公民,没有犯罪记录。
  • 您必须通过公民考试。
  • 您必须放弃任何以前的公民身份


  1. 有效期为三年的德国居留许可
  2. 您的家人——配偶和 18 岁以下的孩子——可以包含在您的原始居留许可申请中,最终,您可以一起成为德国公民
  3. 世界一流的教育和医疗体系,以及德国的就业市场
  4. 3年后永久居留
  5. 八年后入籍


  • 你至少 18 岁
  • 您有一个可靠的商业计划来实现您的目标
  • 您在想在德国开展的业务方面有足够的经验
  • 要被公认为德国公司,您的公司或组织将在德国雇用至少五名员工
  • 你没有犯罪记录
  • 拥有德国健康保险
  • 具有中等德语水平
  • You must prove that there are clients interested in working with you. Your prospective clients have to write letters of intent, proving they plan to hire you. This is not a work contract, just a letter showing interest in your services or work.
  • You must prove that you have enough money to live comfortably in Berlin. At least €9,000/year.
  • You must have legal residence in Germany. You have to find accommodation and register your address at a local registration office, known as Bürgeramt.
  • You must have an adequate pension plan if you are over the age of 45. This means that by age 67, you must have either: A monthly pension of €1,332.36 for a minimum of 12 years; or Assets amounting to at least €194,631.


第 1 步:制定商业计划




 第 3 步:抵达德国并获得临时居留许可


第 4 步:成为永久居民


第 5 步:申请公民身份



Privacy World 向任何人提供服务,不仅希望获得居留权和/或公民身份,而且我们的专家会找出合法的方法来:

  • 找到满足您需求的最佳解决方案。
  • 确定并部署策略以帮助您实现目标。
  • 在您需要帮助的国家/地区激活我们的人脉网络,而无需您寻找最佳解决方案或律师。我们只与我们仔细审查并通过我们所代表的隐私准则和原则的每个国家/地区的持牌人合作。
  • 专注于消除繁文缛节并加快您的流程。
  • 就您的案件与您进行适当的沟通。

Privacy World 还可以帮助您在德国注册公司,协助您在该国安顿下来并与您协调,从而减少这种经历的麻烦。

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是的。您可以在申请中包括您的配偶和 18 岁以下的受抚养子女,他们也将获得居留许可。






在德国,出于税收目的,您要么是居民,要么是非居民。如果您在德国停留了 超过 183 天,您通常被视为税务居民。


不居住在德国的个人通常有 有限纳税义务.在这种情况下,“有限”意味着税收仅针对源自德国的收入计算。

居留许可有效期为 3 年,可续签。


是的。您必须证明至少 B1 的德语水平。

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