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获得: 1-2个月

所需资金: $87,500 USD

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所需资金: -


The Colombia investor or investment visa is intended for foreigners who make an investment in real estate such as buying a property in Colombia. The investment visa is easy to obtain provided that you fulfill all the visa requirements.

Some Visas As of this Saturday, September 17th, new Colombian Online visa applications will not be accepted for many Colombian visa types until October 21. A new rule on visas will become active (Ministry of Foreign Relations Resolution 5477 of July 22, 2022). This rule will imply changes in the category of various types of visas and will require adjustments in Colombian Visa Application System.

In other words, the ministry of foreign relations and consulates of Colombia will freeze applications for many visas!

Many visas will have new requirements and many will be downgraded to visitor or migrant visa categories. Due to these changes, the government decided to not accept applications for the affected visas.

Technically some visas will continue to move forward with the application process. Applications in the system will continue to be processed.

Visas affected by the freeze for the 17th of September are:

1. Retirement / Pension Visa

Adding new Requirements:

  • New rules will apply to certain applicants who may be eligible to apply for this retirement visa type will only be able to apply for a Visitors Rentista Visa.
  • A mental and physical fitness certificate is required that will prove that applicants especially veterans are not suffering from mental, health issues such as PTSD.
  • A criminal background certificate either from Colombia or the country of prior residence is required.
  • Requires proof of health insurance.

Please note that pension letters such as social security letters don’t come from Embassy anymore. These letters are now accepted only if they are notarized and have an apostille.

2. Annuity Visa (Rentista Downgrading to Visitor)

The Rentista Visa or Annuity visa has been downgraded from the Migrant M category to the Visitor V category.

New requirements:

  • Besides annuity income, Rentista visa applicants can demonstrate income via rental income received from properties located in Colombia.
  • According to new rules, the maximum validity of the visa is up to two years.
  • Applicants need to submit a criminal background certificate. This certificate can be issued in Colombia or in the country of current or prior residence.

3. Parent Visa RE (Resident – Downgrading to Migrant)

The parent visa is being downgraded from a Resident R visa to a Migrant M visa. Here are the new rules:

  • Foreign applicants can still apply for a parent of a Colombian national migrant M visa which will allow them to apply for residency after 2 years.
  • This visa grants an open work permit and allows its holder to carry out any lawful activity in the national territory, complying with the regulations mentioned in article 16 of Resolution 5477.
  • Visa applicants will need to show that they can support themselves while in the country via bank statements and other financial documentation.

4. Partner Visa M (Civil Union Downgrading)

The new rules change the duration of civil marriage visas and common law marriage visas. Here are the new changes.

Civil Marriage Visa

  • Civil Marriage Visa holders now need to wait 3 years before applying for a residency visa, previously it was only 2 years.

Common Law Marriage Visa

  • Common Law Marriage is now required and must be completed at least 1 year prior to the visa application.
  • Partner M Visas for common law marriages are valid for up to 1 year, which means that visa holders would need to reapply for the same visa at least 4 times prior to applying for a residency visa.
  • Marriage Visa holders now have to wait a full 5 years to apply for residency, previously it was only 2 years.

5. Student M Visa 

The new set of rules eliminates the Student M visa and replaces it with a Visitor V visa. (Spanish Class Visas should not be affected)

  • Foreign applicants can still apply for student visitors visa for primary education, post-primary university education and beyond
  • Applicants can take in-person or virtual classes.
  • An applicant can also submit a beneficiary visa application if the applicant is engaged in post-graduate coursework
  • The applicant must show evidence that he or she receives income equal to or greater than 10 times the local minimum wage

6. Religious M (Downgrading to Visitor Visa)

  • The scope of this visa is to work in the exercise of the religious ministry or to work as a missionary of a religious entity, duly recognized by the Colombian State.


  • Those established in article 32 of this Resolution 5477.
  • Certificate of recognition and legal representation of the respective religious organization issued by the Ministry of the Interior or by the competent Diocese or Archdiocese. For other religious organizations. The Visa and Immigration Authority will consult its recognition and legal representation in the Public Registry of Religious Entities of the Ministry. In the event that it is not possible to make such a query, it will require the interested party to provide it.
  • Motivated letter from the legal representative of the religious organization informing that the applicant belongs to its hierarchy, stating the type of bond or employment contract, purpose and foreign activities planned in Colombia and in which it is responsible for social security and foreign health coverage;
  • The requesting entity or organization must certify economic solvency through bank statements with an average of hundred (100) current legal minimum wages corresponding to the sets (6) months prior to the request.

Validity: Up to two (2) years. Beneficiaries: This visa allows its main holder to request a visa for beneficiaries.

Restrictions: The work permit granted in this capacity will be governed by article 16 of this resolution and is restricted to the activity registered and authorized in the visa.

7. Investor RE (Downgrading to Migrant Visa)

Previously, an applicant could obtain a resident visa for foreign direct investment over 650 times the local minimum wage. Not anymore.

New rules:
Eliminate this visa type of resident visa. Foreign applicants can still apply for a property owner Migrant M visa which will eventually allow them to apply for a resident visa after 5 years. This migrant M visa can now be obtained after you make an investment that is 350 times the local minimum wage.


Under the 2022 min salary rate, you can purchase a property at 350 * Min salary = 350,000,000 Pesos (about $87,500 USD) Qualifies for a 1 – 3 years temporary residency Visa M – Property Owners Visa

The Colombian property investment visa (M-10) is valid for three years. Even though this visa allows multiple entries into Colombia, it loses its validity if you stay out of Colombia for more than six months consecutively. The government visa cost of applying for an M-10 visa is $282.

After 5 years, you can apply for a (Permanent) Residency

Permanent Resident

1) By Renunciation of Nationality

2) By Accumulated Time of Permanence in Colombia

3) By Application of the Temporary Statute of Protection for Venezuelan Migrants

4) Peace Special Resident

(Permanent) Residency is typically granted for 5 years. You must show up at least once every 2 years in Colombia to keep the visa active. After 5 years of residency, if you established enough links in Colombia, you can apply for citizenship.


To have resided continuously in Colombia for five (5) years prior to the date of filing of the application, or for two (2) years if the foreigner is married to a Colombian national, or if he/she is the permanent partner of a Colombian national, or if he/she has Colombian children. 


  • 一个绝对美丽的国家,有山脉、海滩、美丽的教堂、丰富的历史和美味的食物。
  • 一个非常负担得起的生活成本。
  • 物美价廉的优质房产。
  • 地理位置——靠近北美
  • 许多国际学校。
  • 商业友好
  • 允许双重国籍


The documents required for a Colombia investor or investment visa depend on the type of investment and the amount of investment. Here is a general list of documents needed for all types of investor visas:

护照复印件 – 显示您的个人资料的有效护照首页的复印件。复印件可以是彩色的,也可以是黑白的。

合法入境证明 – A photocopy of the page of your passport showing the last stamp of entry or departure from Colombia.

以前签发的签证复印件 – 如果您以前有过哥伦比亚签证,例如学生或退休签证,请提供该签证的复印件。

护照照片 - Passport-style face photo with a white background, sized at 3 cm width x 4 cm height, the maximum size of 300 kb jpg file for online application.

Certificate de liberated y tradición – Certificado de libertad y tradición 证明所有权的房地产财产。

Communication issued by the Department of International Exchange – of the Banco de la Republica, which records the direct foreign investment for the purchase of a real estate in the name of the foreigner applying for the visa.

Foreign exchange declaration Form F4

Banco de la Republica 签发的外国投资证书


You have to submit your application for the Colombian visa through the online application service available at the Colombian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (here). Enter your name, nationality and passport number to start the application process. Make sure you finish the application in 30 minutes or the session will expire. The steps are as follows:

第 1 步:完成在线哥伦比亚签证申请表 – Answer the questions carefully and truthfully. Questions include your nationality, purpose of visit, address in your home country, and whether you have had any previous visas issued or rejected for Colombia.



第 4 步:附上所有必需文件的 PDF 文件。

第 5 步:选择您要提交申请的哥伦比亚领事馆 – Note: if you applying from within Colombia, you have to select the Ministry of Foreign Affairs office in Bogotá as the location for visa application.


第 7 步:您将通过电子邮件收到有关签证申请状态的通知 – 如果您的申请获得批准。


It is common for the Colombian government to take more than 30 days to process the application. Make sure to apply sufficiently in advance of the time you intend to travel.


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  • 找到满足您需求的最佳解决方案。
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  • 专注于减少繁文tape节并加快您的流程。
  • 就您的案件与您进行适当的沟通。

Privacy World can also help you with incorporating your company in Colombia, assisting in getting you settled in the country, and coordinating with you so that this experience will be less of a hassle.

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The owner of the Migrant M visa will be allowed to apply for a resident visa after 5 years.


成为哥伦比亚公民只需 5 年。

哥伦比亚居民的净劳动、资本和其他收入应按 0 至 39% 的累进税率纳税。 

非居民按 35% 的统一税率缴纳所得税。

是的,对拥有相当于 US$150 万或以上财产的哥伦比亚人征收的净资产/财富税为财产价值的 0.3%,并且每年缴纳一次。


A migrant visa has a validity of 3 years.

Even though this visa allows multiple entries into Colombia, it loses its validity if you stay out of Colombia for more than six months consecutively.

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