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獲得: 60 個月

所需資金: BM$2,500,000

獲得: 120 個月

所需資金: BM$2,500,000


百慕大 is a British Overseas Territory that operates under UK Common Law.  The country benefits from a favorable tax regime. Individuals in Bermuda do not pay personal income tax. Instead, the Government of Bermuda levies a Payroll Tax.



A. 經濟投資證書(EIC)

It provides you and your family the opportunity of living and work on the island for five years to see your investment prospects realized. After which, you are eligible to apply for the Residential Certificate for the right to reside in Bermuda indefinitely.


要獲得經濟投資證書 (EIC) 的資格,申請人必須在以下一個或多個類別中進行至少 BM$250 萬的“合格投資”:

– Residential or commercial real estate in Bermuda;

– An existing Bermuda-based business;

– The development and launch of a new Bermuda-based business;

– Bermuda Government bonds;

– Bermuda Registered charity in the areas of sports development, youth, seniors, and health;

– The Bermuda Trust Fund or Sinking Fund; or

– Other social or useful venture that benefits Bermuda, Bermudians, and things Bermudian may be determined by the Minister responsible for Immigration.

Applicants must be at least 18 years old, have not been convicted of an indictable or dishonesty offense, be of good character, and be in compliance with the Bermuda Department of Health requirements and protocols. Persons already residing in Bermuda who satisfy the criteria can also apply. The same requirements also apply to the dependents as well.

需支付 BM$2,625 的申請費。

對成功的 EIC 申請人的持續要求包括維持“合格投資”至少五年的義務,以及申請人在獲得 EIC 後的五年中每年在百慕大居住至少 90 天。




B. 永久居民證明

如果您擁有永久居民證 (PRC),您有權在百慕大生活和工作,並以較低的價格購買百慕大房產 年度租金價值 (ARV).

2021 年百慕大移民和保護修正案將於 2021 年 12 月 1 日生效。 

移民部將於 2022 年 1 月 1 日開始根據修訂後的立法的規定接受申請。

2021 Amendment 

 2021 年修正案允許某些長期居民申請永久居民證。

Government’s proposal aims to address this issue by expanding the eligibility criteria for the granting of PRC under section 31A, to include any person who has been ordinarily resident in Bermuda for at least 20 years. While the policy paper states that this change is aimed at assisting “Persons who have continuously worked in Bermuda and seek to continue to make Bermuda their home“, it does not appear that having worked (as opposed to merely having resided) in Bermuda will be a condition of acceptance, although the amending legislation remains to be seen.

The cost of the PRC application under section 31A is also to be reduced, from $50,000 to $10,000.

This change will be beneficial for LRT work permit holders, as well as their employers, who would no longer need to renew their work permits and pay the related fees.

The policy paper also sets out proposed changes to assist mixed-status families, under which the following categories of people will now be eligible for PRC:

  • Persons who were born or arrived in Bermuda at an early age and have been ordinarily resident in Bermuda;
  • A divorced or unwed parent of a Bermudian child;
  • Children of first- and second-generation PRC holders who have been ordinarily resident in Bermuda.

These changes will assist, amongst others, non-Bermudian parents of Bermudian children, who would otherwise have had to leave the island after their child’s 18th birthday, and second-generation PRC holders who are currently unable to pass PRC on to their children.

The current application fee for a PRC under section 31B will remain at $3,150.

The aforementioned changes are to be read in conjunction with the requirements given below.


如果滿足以下條件,您可以從 2022 年 1 月 1 日起申請永久居民證:

  • 您通常在百慕大居住至少 20 年,包括他提出申請之前的兩年;
  • 如果他是擁有百慕大身份的兒子或女兒的非百慕大父母,您通常在百慕大居住至少 15 年,包括他提出申請之前的兩年;
  • 您是獲得中華人民共和國的人的兒子、女兒或配偶。

在下面 第 31A 條, 如果滿足以下條件,您可以向中華人民共和國的移民部長提出申請:

  • 根據 1968 年經濟發展法第 5 條,您已獲得 1956 年百慕大移民和保護法第 V 部分的豁免至少 10 年;
  • 您通常在百慕大居住至少 10 年;和
  • 在本申請之前的 2 年內,您通常居住在百慕大。 

在下面 第 31B 節,您也可以向中華人民共和國部長提出申請,如果您是:

  • 您是根據第 31A 條獲得中華人民共和國的人的兒子或女兒,並且您已超過義務教育年齡上限;或者
  • 您是根據第 31A 條獲得中華人民共和國的人的配偶,但您沒有資格獲得中華人民共和國或身份。

(更多信息見 http://www.bermudalaws.bm/ for the Bermuda Immigration and Protection  Act, 1956 and the PRC application form.)

  • 年滿 18 歲;
  • 通常在百慕大居住至少 15 或 20 年;
  • 具有良好的品行和品格。


任何不是英聯邦公民的人都必須歸化為英國海外領土公民才能獲得百慕大身份,這需要 5至10年的合法居留 取決於你申請的部分。


  1. 持證人可以在島上生活、工作和經商。
  2. 五年後,可以申請永久居留。
  3. 連續居住 10 年後獲得公民身份。
  4. 安全穩定。
  5. 方便做生意。
  6. 一流的教育和醫療保健系統。
  7. 有競爭力的稅收制度。
  8. English is a primary language.  Open, accessible and business-friendly




  • 步驟 #1: Visiting the department of immigration website
  • 步驟 #2: Identifying the application of interest
  • 步驟 #3: Download the Application Form
  • 步驟 #4: Printing the application form and obtaining all required documents based on the notes checklist.
  • 步驟 #5: Making an online payment
  • 步驟 #6: Submitting the application and all required documents in the Immigration Drop Box
  • 步驟 #7: Waiting for communication from immigration team

Firstly, you should visit the department of immigration website: https://www.gov.bm/department/immigration.  There you need to Identify the application of interest and then select from a list of processes. The next step is to Download the Application Form. After that, one should print the application form and complete application form with black (for passport applications single-sided paper and black ink only) or blue ink. Obtain all required documents based on the notes checklist After that, one should make an online payment to the HSBC bank Account to include a description

After completing the previous step, submit the application and all required documents in the Immigration Drop Box on the First Floor of the Government Administration Building with a copy of the online payment Confirmation. After that, a member of the Immigration Team will contact each applicant to advise if items are missing via email. Once all items are submitted and the Application is deemed complete the applicant will be duly advised along with the expected timelines.


Privacy World 向任何人提供服務,不僅希望獲得居留權和/或公民身份,而且我們的專家會找出合法的方法來:

  • 找到滿足您需求的最佳解決方案。
  • 確定並部署策略以幫助您實現目標。
  • 在您需要幫助的國家/地區激活我們的人脈網絡,而無需您尋找最佳解決方案或律師。我們只與我們仔細審查並通過我們所代表的隱私準則和原則的每個國家/地區的持牌人合作。
  • 專注於消除繁文縟節並加快您的流程。
  • 就您的案件與您進行適當的溝通。

Privacy World 還可以幫助您在百慕大註冊公司,協助您在該國安頓下來並與您進行協調,從而減少這種經歷的麻煩。

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是的。該計劃的參與者可能包括家庭成員:配偶和 25 歲以下的子女。申請時,成年子女必須在大學學習。



EIC 有效期為 5 年。在此之後,您、您的配偶和您的家屬可以申請居住證 (RC)。有了 RC,持有人可以無限期地居住在該國。

是的。您需要在 5 年內每個日曆年在百慕大居住至少 90 天。



投資者滿足兩個條件以保留其在百慕大的證書和居留身份。投資者必須擁有投資對象至少 5 年,例如房地產,並且必須每年在百慕大逗留至少 90 天。

zh_HKChinese (Hong Kong)