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Capital necessário: L£ 9.000.000 LBP

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About Lebanon Citizenship and Residency

If you are either a student, married to a Lebanese citizen (for more than a year), or have a work permit or a lot of money in the bank you are eligible to apply for a temporary (one year) or permanent (three years) residency.


There are several pathways to securing Lebanese citizenship but they are not accessible to children.

According to Article 1 of Decree No. 15, a person is considered Lebanese if:

  • She/ he is born to a Lebanese father;
  • She/ he is born in Lebanon and does not acquire a foreign nationality; or
  • She/ he is born in Lebanon to unknown parents or to parents without a nationality.

It should be noted that Lebanese law does not confer automatic citizenship to children born of a Lebanese mother and a foreign father, as citizenship is conferred only through males.

Second, citizenship can be secured by persons with Lebanese ancestors through a process called “reacquisition,” under Law No. 41. A person is eligible to apply for reacquisition if he or she can prove a relationship to a male ancestor registered as Lebanese during 1921-24 Residents’ & Emigrants’ Census; the 1932 Emigrants’ Census; or the 1932 Residents’ Census. It is unclear whether this process can be initiated by a child.

Third, under Article 3 of Decree No. 15 on naturalization, citizenship can be acquired by a foreigner who has lived in Lebanon for at least five years, a foreigner who marries a Lebanese woman and has been living in Lebanese territories for one consecutive year after the date of marriage, and a foreigner who offers to Lebanon highly significant services. She must apply to be naturalized and naturalization must be granted by the head of state. Article 3 does not specifically bar children from requesting naturalization, but it is unclear whether a child may initiate naturalization processes.

Finally, a woman can secure Lebanese citizenship after one year of marriage to a Lebanese man, pursuant to Article 5 of Decree No. 15. There is no minimum age of marriage in Lebanon, so it appears this process can apply to girls with the consent of her husband.

If you are either a student, married to a Lebanese citizen (for more than a year), or have a work permit or a lot of money in the bank you are eligible to apply for a temporary (one year) or permanent (three years) residency.

Residency Permits

Residency Permits Investors and businessmen possessing temporary residence for six months and who have initiated investment projects in Lebanon may apply before the General Directorate of General Security for a yearly or permanent residence valid for a period of three years and renewable. in an establishment.

Documentos exigidos:

  • A passport valid for at least a period of one year (for the yearly residence) and valid for three years (for the permanent residence), or an Identity card with a return coupon if he is Syrian. 
  • A statement from the relevant departments in his country proving his professional function. 
  • A statement from the relevant Lebanese departments proving that he has initiated investment projects in Lebanon. 
  • The residence application form is personally filled and signed by the competent person in the regional department. 
  • 3 new colored photos, size 4*4 cm.

Types of Residence Permit:

  1. Annual residence
  2. Residência permanente
  3. Courtesy residence

1. Permanent Residence

A permanent residency (3 years) possibly renewable is granted to foreign or Arab citizens, provided they fulfill one of the following conditions:

A. An applicant that has a monthly income or the owner of a frozen bank account

  1. An applicant that has a monthly income that is estimated to be more than 20,000,000 LBP
  2. owner of a frozen joint account estimated at not less than 1,800,000,000 Lebanese pounds in one of the active Lebanese banks.
  3. owner of an account estimated at not less than 900,000,000 LBP in one of the active Lebanese banks, frozen for more than three months.

Documentos exigidos:

– An application form (that is filled out)

– A passport valid for at least three years, as well as two photocopies of the latter

– Three recent 3.5 x 4.5 photos

– A certification of a monthly income that is estimated to be more than 20,000,000 LBP or its equivalent in foreign currency originating from financial transfers or retirement funds from abroad, or any other legal funds  

– A saving passbook that proves that he is the owner of an account estimated at not less than 900,000,000 LBP in one of the active Lebanese banks, frozen for more than three months. The applicant should also procure a photocopy of this passbook signed and ratified by the chief of the department in the general security 

– A document signed by the notary that includes an engagement to not perform any jobs in Lebanon

– A lease/property title

– A saving passbook that proves that he is the owner of a frozen joint account estimated at not less than 1,800,000,000 Lebanese pounds in one of the active Lebanese banks.

Fees: 900,000 LBP

B. An Arab immigrant that belongs to the category of businessmen and investors 

Documentos exigidos:

 – An application form (that is filled out)

– A passport valid for at least three years, as well as two photocopies of the latter

– Three recent 3.5 x 4.5 photos

– A document that highlights his profession, and that is delivered by the authorized authorities in his country 

– A document that highlights the investment projects he is committed to, and that is delivered by the authorized authorities in his country

Fees: 900,000 LBP

C. The holder of a work permit valid for 3 years

Documentos exigidos:

 – An application form (that is filled out)

– A passport valid for at least three years, as well as two photocopies of the latter

– Three recent 3.5 x 4.5 photos

– A work permit valid for 3 years at least and a photocopy of this permit

– A photocopy of the employer’s id card ( or of the commercial register if the guarantor is a legal entity)

– A certified copy of the work contract (foreign employers, representatives, or correspondents of a press agency that doesn’t have any headquarters in Lebanon, are exempted from this requirement) 

Fees: First class 5,400,000 LBP

         Second class 3,600,000 LBP 

2. Courtesy Residence

Temporary residence permits are granted to Arab & foreign immigrants for free who are:

1- Lebanese citizen that has another nationality, and wishes to obtain a courtesy resident permit based on his second nationality. 

2- The Arab or foreign immigrant of Lebanese origin (born but not registered in Lebanon)

3- The Arab or foreign immigrant child of a Lebanese father or mother (birth/adopted child)

4- The husband of a Lebanese woman if their marriage is dated more than one year

5- The wife of a Lebanese man, that doesn’t work

6- The Arab or foreign citizen (under 18) born in Lebanon while having non-Lebanese parents, that is perusing his studies

7- Diplomats from all nationalities that have already worked in Lebanon, and that want to stay there after their retirement

8- The holders of a residency permit ‘under consideration, their wife/husband and kids

Require Documents:

– An application form that is filled out and signed personally by the applicant in the authorized general security department

– A passport valid for at least three years, as well as two photocopies of the latter

– Three recent 3.5 x 4.5 photos

In addition to the above-mentioned documents, the following documents are also requested: 

– Regarding (1)

An id card, a certificate of recent civil status (less than 3 months), or any other official documents that prove that the applicant is Lebanese.

– Regarding (2)

An official document that proves that the applicant is of Lebanese origin.

– Regarding (3)

A birth certificate or any official document that proves that the applicant has a Lebanese mother/father

An id card or a recent civil status for the Lebanese mother/father

– Regarding (4)

A marriage certificate that complies with current laws and regulations

An official document that proves that the marriage dates to one year at the least A lease or a property title

A certified copy of the husband’s ID card, and an Extract of the Family Civil Registry Record

Regarding (5):

– A marriage certificate that complies with current laws and regulations

– An attestation of non-activity

Regarding (6):

A birth certificate or any other official document that proves the applicant is born in Lebanon

An official document that proves that the applicant is pursuing his studies in Lebanon

A statement that financial responsibility has been assumed by the parents if it’s indeed the case

Regarding (7):

An official document that proves that the diplomat has already worked in Lebanon, delivered by the ministry of foreign affairs

– An attestation of non-activity

Regarding (8):

A marriage certificate that complies with current laws and regulations

A birth certificate or any other official document that proves the applicant has a Lebanese mother

A residency permit under review

3. Annual Residence

A. The wife and kids of a foreigner that has an annual residency permit for work (second class)

Documentos exigidos:

  • An application form filled and signed
  • A document to prove their marriage
  • A passport valid for a year at the least + 2 copies of the latter
  • Three ID photos 4.5 * 3.5 cm
  • A copy of the annual residency permit owned by the worker
  • An attestation done via a notary stipulates that the wife and kids are not working. An attestation that the head of the family is financially in charge of the kids if they are minors.

Fees: The same fees requested from the worker (husband)

B: Mother/Father of a Lebanese citizen

C: A single sister for whom he is financially responsible

Documentos exigidos:

  • An application form filled and signed
  • A passport valid for a year at the least + 2 copies of the latter
  • Three ID photos 4.5 * 3.5 cm
  • An official document proving family ties
  • An attestation of an absence of work done via a notary, for those who are aged less than 64 years
  • An attestation stating that the Lebanese citizen is financially responsible for the interested party

Fees: 300,000 LBP

D. The wife of a Lebanese citizen

Documentos exigidos:

  • An application form filled and signed
  • A marriage certificate
  • A passport valid for 6 months at the least without exceeding one year + 2 copies of the latter
  • Three ID photos 4.5 * 3.5 cm
  • Attestation is done via a notary stipulating that the wife is not working

Fees: 300,000 LBP

E. The mother of a Lebanese kid whether she is divorced of her Lebanese husband, or if she is a widow (Under the condition that she has not remarried)

Documentos exigidos

  • An application form filled and signed
  • A passport valid for 6 months at the least without exceeding one year + 2 copies of the latter
  • Three ID photos 4.5 * 3.5 cm
  • An attestation of the absence of work done via a notary
  • A divorce certificate (if the divorce is not finalized, the application will be under consideration before giving a final decision)
  • A death certificate and a family register issued one year ago at the most if the interested party is a widow

Fees: 300,000 LBP

F. The widow of a Lebanese citizen

Documentos exigidos:

  • An application form filled and signed
  • A passport valid for 6 months at the least + 2 copies of the latter
  • Three ID photos 4.5 * 3.5 cm
  • An attestation of the absence of work done via a notary
  • A death certificate and a family register issued one year ago at the most

Fees: 300,000 LBP

G. A student in religion

Require Documents

  • An application form filled and signed
  • A passport valid for one year at the least + 2 copies of the latter
  • Three ID photos 4.5 * 3.5 cm
  • Under the condition that he entered based on a previous authorization for religious studies delivered by the general security (except for Syrian residents)
  • An attestation showing his residency address and how he is insuring his financial requirements  
  • An attestation delivered by an institution or a university – certified by the competent official authorities; This attestation will specify the academic year and the years left
  • An attestation stipulating that the interested party will not marry a Lebanese citizen during his stay

N.B: The members of the student’s family and his parents are not automatically granted residency permits on his behalf – their applications will be under review.

Fees: 250,000 LBP

H. A man of religion

Documentos exigidos

  • An application form filled and signed
  • A passport valid for a year with at the least+ 2 copies of the latter
  • Three ID photos 4.5 * 3.5 cm
  • Under the condition that he entered based on a previous authorization related to men of religion delivered by the general security (except for Syrian residents), or that he already had an annual residency permit for men of religion
  • A specified attestation for men of religion signed at the competent regional bureau
  • An accreditation delivered by the competent religious authorities

N.B: The members of the individual’s family and his parents are not automatically granted residency permits on his behalf – their applications will be under review

I. Monthly income or bank statement

  • a joint blocked account, with a value that isn’t less than 600,000,000 LBP or a similar value in foreign currency
  • A bank statement showing a blocked account 3 months ago, with a value that isn’t less than 300,000,000 LBP or a similar value in foreign currency
  • monthly income of 9,000,000 LBP or a similar value in foreign currency
  • Title deed or a lease deed

Documentos exigidos

  • An application form filled and signed
  • A passport valid for one year at the least + 2 copies of the latter
  • Three ID photos 4.5 * 3.5 cm
  • An attestation stipulation that the interested party shall not work, done via a notary
  • A bank statement showing a blocked account 3 months ago, with a value that isn’t less than 300,000,000 LBP or a similar value in foreign currency – An account statement, or a bank statement showing a monthly income of 9,000,000 LBP or a similar value in foreign currency
  • Title deed or a lease deed
  • A bank statement showing a joint blocked account, with a value that isn’t less than 600,000,000 LBP or a similar value in foreign currency

N.B: The family of the interested party is granted an automatic residency permit on his behalf, except for adult males; their applications will be under review before a decision is taken; they need to hand out an attestation stipulation that they shall not work, done via a notary

Fees: 300,000 LBP

J. Businessmen or investors residents of Arab countries

Documentos exigidos:

  • An application form filled and signed
  • A passport valid for a year at the least + 2 copies of the latter
  • Three ID photos 4.5 * 3.5 cm
  • An accreditation delivered by the competent authorities in his country of origin – proving his profession
  • An attestation delivered by the Lebanese competent authorities – proving he is in charge of investment projects in Lebanon

Fees: 300,000 LBP


– The validity period of the granted residency permit is given accordingly to the passport’s validity period, if the latter has exceeded 6 months, without exceeding a year.

– The residency permits granted to minors whether annual or permanent are exempted from fees.

– The applicant for a residency permit whose age is higher than 64 is exempted from handing out a work attestation.

– When it comes to Syrian inhabitants that are aged 15 years or less, the passport can be replaced by an extract of civil status which is issued 3 months ago at the most. As for those that have exceeded 15 years, they can use their identity card instead.

The Benefits Of Lebanon Residency and Citizenship

Citizens of Lebanon have by law the legal right to:

  • Live freely in Lebanon without any immigration requirements
  • Gain access to free education covering primary, secondary and university education
  • Receive all healthcare benefits at any public health institution
  • Participate in the Lebanese political system
  • Benefit from the privileges of the free trade market agreements between Lebanon and many Arab countries
  • Get exempted from taxes with no condition of reciprocity
  • Own and inherit property and values in Lebanon
  • Enter and exit from Lebanon through any port
  • Travel to and from other countries in accordance with visa requirements
  • Seek consular assistance and protection abroad by Lebanon through Lebanese embassies and consulates abroad.

Lebanon Residency Requirements and Qualifications

The requirements and qualifications required to obtain Lebanon residency or citizenship are listed above in the “About Lebanon Citizenship and Residency” section.

Etapas e linha do tempo

Lebanon Residence Permit

Applicants for a Lebanon Residence Permit can use the steps below to apply. They include:

  1. Apply for a work visa to enter Lebanon
  2. Pays a visa fee of 50,000 LBP
  3. Submit all necessary documents to the HR Department
  4. The HR Department will help you to obtain a medical statement
  5. The HR Department secures medical insurance for you
  6. The HR Department submits your documents to the Ministry of Labor
  7. The HR Department will get a work permit on your behalf
  8. The HR Department pays a work permit fee
  9. The HR Department submits the documents for Permanence Residence Permit to the Lebanese General Security Office.
  10. The HR Department obtains the residence permit for you.

Nossos serviços

A Privacy World oferece seus serviços a qualquer pessoa, não apenas procurando obter processos de residência e/ou cidadania, mas nossos especialistas descobrem formas legais de:

  • Encontre a melhor solução para as suas necessidades.
  • Identifique e implemente uma estratégia para ajudá-lo a atingir seus objetivos.
  • Ative nossa rede de pessoas no país onde você precisa de ajuda sem precisar procurar a melhor solução ou advogado. Trabalhamos apenas com pessoas licenciadas em todos os países que examinamos cuidadosamente e passamos as diretrizes e princípios de privacidade que defendemos.
  • Concentre-se em cortar a burocracia e agilizar seu processo.
  • Fornecer uma comunicação adequada com você sobre o seu caso.
    …. e acima de tudo: Oferecer a você estratégias legais para fornecer camadas adicionais de privacidade para sua identidade, enquanto obtém sua residência ou cidadania!

Privacy World can also help you with incorporating your company in Lebanon, assisting in getting you settled in the country, and coordinating with you so that this experience will be less of a hassle.

Quer que a Privacy World cuide do seu caso? Tem alguma pergunta? Contacte-nos!


Perguntas frequentes

Dual citizenship recognizes in Lebanon. You are not required to renounce your previous nationality to become a citizen of Lebanon.

An annual residence is valid for 12 months. On the other hand, a permanent residency status has a validity period of three years.

Yes. You can renew your Lebanon Residence status before it expires at the Lebanese General Security Office. You must provide the documents that you used when applying for the permit.

The processing time for a Lebanon residency status is about two months. During this period, you will acquire a work permit and residency status.

Individuals are considered residents if they meet one of the following conditions:
• Have a fixed place of doing business in Lebanon;
• Maintain a permanent home in Lebanon used for their usual residence or for the usual residence of their family, or
• Stay in Lebanon for more than six months continuously or intermittently in a consecutive 12-month period. Transit stays and stays for medical treatment are not counted in calculating the length of a stay.

It takes 5 years of residency to obtain citizenship in the country.

 Nonresidents are taxed only on Lebanese-source income.

 Individuals are taxed on income generated from services provided in Lebanon or pertaining to their profession in Lebanon unless earned through a permanent establishment outside Lebanon. 

No. There is no net wealth tax or net worth tax.

Yes. Inheritance tax is imposed at rates ranging from 12% to 45%, depending on the level of family relationship.
