Canadá offers residency by investment, the Quebec Immigrant Investor Program is the most popular path to becoming a permanent resident in Canada. Once selected, any new Canadian resident under any of the Quebec Programs may choose to reside in any Province of their choice.
Investimento total
Os candidatos que escolherem esta opção devem investir um mínimo de CA$ 1.200.000 em um investimento garantido pelo governo e mantê-lo por cinco anos. No final deste período, o montante total garantido é devolvido ao investidor sem juros corridos. O programa prevê investimento integral ou financiamento por meio de instituições financeiras autorizadas.
Investimento Financiado
Nessa opção, os investidores pagam um valor reduzido que é usado para financiar um empréstimo fechado de CA$1.200.000 de prazo de 62 meses de um banco credenciado. Este empréstimo é iniciado e reembolsado sem custos adicionais e sem garantias adicionais por parte do requerente.
There are certain other regional immigration programmes for business people such as Quebec Investor, Quebec Entrepreneur and Quebec Self-Employed Worker programmes.
An investment agreement must be signed with an approved financial intermediary for the investment of C$1,200,000 for 5 years. The number of signed agreements is subject to a quota. The investment is guaranteed by the Government of Quebec. Financing options are offered to applicants by brokers and trust companies.
– At least 2-year management experience in planning, management and control of financial, human or material resources. This must be acquired in 5 years preceding the application.
– Net assets of C$2,000,000 acquired and available to you alone or together with your accompanying or de facto spouse at least 6 months before the application.
– Main attraction of this programme is that your investment will be returned to you in 5 years.
There are two components in the programme,
– Submitting a business project for creation or acquisition of a business in Quebec.
– Acquisition of a business in Quebec.
A business must be of agricultural, industrial or commercial nature. You must make a start-up deposit and a security deposit at a financial institution with an establishment in Québec with whom you have signed a deposit agreement. You must use the start-up deposit to set up your business. A start-up deposit for a business outside the Montréal Metropolitan Community (MMC) is CAD $200,000 or CAD $300,000 if the business is located in the MMC.
– You must demonstrate that you will manage it yourself or you will participate in it as management and operations partner full-time on a daily basis (agricultural entrepreneur does not have to work full-time).
– You must control, alone or with your accompanying spouse or common-law spouse, at least 25% of the capital equity with a value of at least C$100,000.
– You cannot buy a business acquired by another entrepreneur under this programme in 5 years preceding your application.
Candidates have been recently encouraged to settle outside metropolitan areas, including they are offered low-skill jobs validated by the state.
Main requirements
– You must come to Quebec to create your own job by practising a profession or business activities, alone or with other immigration candidates, with or without paid help (you must register with a regulatory body if your profession or trade is regulated in Quebec).
– You must make a start-up deposit at a financial institution in the region where you are going to work – C$25,000 if outside the Montreal Metropolitan Community (MMC) area or C$50,000 if inside the MMC area.
– Financial self-sufficiency with net assets of C$100,000 available to you alone or together with your spouse if they are accompanying you.
– Legal and lawful source of assets.
– At least 2-year professional experience as a self-employed worker in the field in which you wish to work in Quebec.
– Relevant education and degree.
Support can assume the following forms:
– Agreement with an authorized venture capital firm to invest a minimum of CAD200,000 in your business, or
– Agreement with an authorized Angel Investor to invest a minimum of CAD75,000 in your business, or
– Your business has been accepted in an authorized business incubator.
– The designated organization that supports your business will provide you a Letter of Support, which has to be attached to your permanent residency application.
– Up to five people may apply for a startup visa as owners of a single business. However, you must hold at least 10% of the qualifying business and the designated organization and the applicants must jointly hold more than 50 per cent of the voting rights in the business.
– To keep your permanent residency status, you must physically be in Canada at least 730 days (2 years) in a five-year period. Failure of your business will not affect your permanent resident status.
– After 5 years holding the permanent residency status, you will be eligible to apply for citizenship, provided that you have lived 1,095 days in Canada within the five years, and 183 days during each of three calendar years that are fully or partially within the six years right before the date you apply.
– To apply for citizenship, you must also have met your personal income tax filing obligations in three tax years that are fully or partially within the five years right before the date you apply. And you must take a language (French or English) test and pass an exam regarding Canadian values, history, symbols, institutions, rights, responsibilities and privileges of citizenship.
– In addition to the above requirements, you must prove that you have enough money to support yourself and your dependents. For a single applicant, the amount required is CAD12,300, for a 2-member family CAD15,312, 3-memberCAD 18,825, 4-member CAD22,856, 5-member CAD25,923, 6-member CAD29,236 and for a 7-member family CAD32,550. For each additional dependent, you will be required to have CAD 3,314.
– If you are not an English or French native speaker, you must take a language test from an approved agency and include the results with your application.
– You must be in good health and do not have any contagious disease. You must have a clean criminal background.
Documents required for Startup visa program:
Requisitos de Cidadania
Investidor e seus familiares que moraram no Canadá por três dos quatro anos (1.095 dias) anteriores à solicitação, possuem conhecimento adequado de inglês e/ou francês, não possuem antecedentes criminais e adquiriram conhecimento dos direitos e responsabilidades de cidadania, bem como uma compreensão da história, valores, instituições e símbolos do Canadá são elegíveis para solicitar a cidadania.
O Canadá oferece infinitas oportunidades para investidores estrangeiros em troca de sua contribuição para a economia local.
Elegibilidade e Requisitos
Etapa 1: reunir documentos - Se você não fornecer todas as informações solicitadas e os documentos da lista de verificação, sua inscrição será devolvida a você.
Etapa 2: preencher o aplicativo - As informações fornecidas em sua inscrição podem estar sujeitas a verificação.
Etapa 3: pagar as taxas - A taxa de processamento deve ser incluída em sua inscrição. O solicitante também terá que pagar taxas a terceiros para si e para sua família para exame médico, certificados policiais e avaliações de idioma.
Etapa 4: envie o aplicativo por correio – Certifique-se de usar e enviar a lista de verificação de documentos (IMM 5690) (PDF, 395,04 KB) juntamente com o formulário de inscrição e os documentos de suporte.
A Privacy World oferece seus serviços a qualquer pessoa, não apenas procurando obter processos de residência e/ou cidadania, mas nossos especialistas descobrem formas legais de:
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