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여권 순위
비자 면제 국가

인수: 1개월

필요한 자본: $200,000

인수: -

필요한 자본: -

About Ghana Citizenship and Residency

In Ghana, a foreign investor who invests in an established entity and meets the prescribed capital has a pathway to an automatic work and residence quota/permit. Thus, allowing such an investor to remain and lawfully undertake his establish enterprise in Ghana.

Section 24 (1) of the GIPC Act 2013 (Act 865) provides that an enterprise in which foreign participation is permitted under this Act shall, after its incorporation or registration and before the commencement of business operations, be registered with the Centre.

The above statutory stipulation makes it mandatory for all enterprises with foreign participation to register with the GIPC. Accordingly, using the word “shall” obliges/ mandates such enterprises with foreign participation to register with the GIPC.

Ghana Investment Promotion Centre Act

(1) Section 28(1) A person who is not a citizen may participate in an enterprise other than an enterprise specified in section 27 if that person:

(a) in the case of a joint enterprise with a partner who is a citizen, invests a foreign capital of not less than two hundred thousand United States Dollars in cash or capital goods relevant to the investment or a combination of both by way of equity participation and the partner who is a citizen does not have less than ten percent equity participation in the joint enterprise

(b) where the enterprise is wholly owned by that person, and invests a foreign capital of not less than five hundred thousand United States Dollars in cash or capital goods relevant to the investment or a combination of both by way of equity capital in the enterprise.

(2) A person who is not a citizen may engage in a trading enterprise if that person invests in the enterprise, not less than one million United States Dollars in cash or goods and services relevant to the investments.

(3) For the purpose of this section “trading” includes the purchasing and selling of imported goods and services.

(4) An enterprise referred to in subsection (2) shall employ at least twenty skilled Ghanaians.

(5) The minimum foreign capital requirement of this section shall not apply to the foreign spouse of a citizen of Ghana to the extent that:

(a) the foreign spouse is or has been married to a citizen of Ghana for a minimum period of five years continuously or holds an indefinite resident permit prior to registration of an enterprise;

(b) the marriage has been duly verified as having been validly conducted; 

(c) the foreign spouse is ordinarily resident in Ghana.

(6) A citizen of Ghana who losses citizenship by reason of the assumption of the citizenship of another country shall not be required to comply with the minimum capital requirement of this section. 

거류 허가

A residence permit authorizes a foreign national to live in Ghana for a specified period. A resident permit may be issued to a foreign national who intends to remain in Ghana for a substantial period. It may be issued usually generally between the duration of one to four years in the first instance, and no more than eight tears in total.

요구 사항:

Employee: Where the application is for residence in order to work for an employer it should be accompanied by:

  1. A letter from the employer, applying on the applicant’s behalf for a residence permit.
  2. A completed application form
  3. Details of the company – Certificate to Commence Business and Certificate of Incorporation issued by the Registrar-General; Company Tax Certificate issued by the Internal Revenue Service;
  4. Two recent passport photographs (recent means taken not more than 6 months)
  5. Work permit approval letter from GIS
  6. A letter of approval from the Ministry of the Interior
  7. The applicant’s Curriculum Vitae.
  8. Passport

GIPC – Where an application is for a residence permit with a GIPC automatic approval

  1. A letter from the employer, applying on the applicant’s behalf for a residence permit and guaranteeing repatriation of applicants when the need arises.
  2. A completed application form
  3. Details of the company – Certificate to Commence Business and Certificate of Incorporation issued by the Registrar-General; Company Tax Certificate issued by the Internal Revenue Service;
  4. Two recent passport photographs (recent means taken not more than 6 months)
  5. Work permit approval letter from GIS
  6. A letter of approval from the Ministry of the Interior
  7. The applicant’s Curriculum Vitae.
  8. Passport

Indefinite Residence or Permanent Residence

Indefinite Residence or Permanent Residence may be granted to a foreign national to remain in Ghana for an indefinite period.


  1. allows a person to enter and leave Ghana without limitation.
  2. engage in work either as a self-employed or an employee without the need to obtain a work permit.
  3. Persons who are eligible for Indefinite Residence may apply for their spouses and dependents under the same category.

요구 사항

  • Granted to foreign spouses and other foreigners who have lived in Ghana for more than five (5) years
  • The initial process starts with the Ghana Immigration Service (Headquarters) and report submitted to the Hon. Minister for the Interior for approval
  • Letter from Ghanaian spouse
  • Curriculum Vitae of the applicant.

Time Frame

Four (4) Weeks (After receipt of the duly completed form)

Naturalization as Ghanaian Citizen

요구 사항

  • Purchase of Naturalization Form (Form 5) at the Ministry of the Interior
  • An application letter addressed to the Minister for the Interior applying for Naturalization as a citizen of Ghana.
  • Copy of Residence permit (current page) or Indefinite residence permit
  • Copy of Certificate to commence business, Company Code, Certificate of incorporation, Audited Accounts, Tax clearance certificate (currently), SSNIT (Current)
  • Copy of landed property (indenture)
  • A copy of passport (Bio Data Page)
  • Four (4) passport-size photographs with white background
  • Subject to subsection (2) of section 14 of the Citizenship Act 2000, a person qualifies for naturalization if:
  1. He has resided in Ghana for twelve months immediately preceding the date of the application,
  2. during the seven years immediately preceding twelve months, he has lived in Ghana for periods amounting in the aggregate to not less than five years
  3. He is of good character as attested to in writing by two Ghanaians being public notaries, lawyers or senior public officers
  4. He has not been sentenced to any period of imprisonment in Ghana or anywhere for an offense recognized by law in Ghana
  5. He can speak and understand an indigenous Ghanaian language
  6. He is a person who has made or who is capable of making a substantial contribution to the progress or advancement in any area of national activity
  7. He is a person who has been assimilated into the Ghanaian way of life or who can easily be so assimilated
  8. He intends to reside permanently in Ghana in the event of a certificate being granted to him
  9. He possessed a valid residence Permit on the date of his application

Time Frame

Six (6) Months (Upon receipt of duly completed forms)

Fees & Charges

Naturalization Form 5 – GH₵6,000

Dual Nationality/Citizenship:

요구 사항

  • Application for registration as a dual citizen addressed to the Hon. Minister for the Interior
  • Purchase of Dual Citizenship Form 10 at the Ministry of the Interior or our Diplomatic Missions abroad


Attachments to Form 10

  • Copies of the bio-data page of both Ghanaian and foreign passports
  • Four (4) recent passport-sized photographs
  • Copy of naturalization certificate from a foreign country

In the case of local applications,

  • Payment of processing fee (to be paid after the process has been completed)

Please Note

For children born outside Ghana, the following are also required:

  • Copy of Birth Certificate
  • Copy of Ghanaian parent’s passport
  • Copy of bio-data page of child’s Ghanaian and foreign passport

Replacement of dual citizenship cards

  • Application letter
  • Police report
  • Photocopy of Dual Citizenship card/certificate
  • Payment of processing fee
  • Two (2) recent passport-sized photographs

Time Frame

One (1) Month (After receipt of the duly completed form)

Please Note

In cases where the application does not meet the requirement, the application is sent back to the applicant to meet all the requirements. If this happens, the process has to begin all over again.

Fees & Charges

  • Dual Citizenship Application Form 10 – GH₵500.00
  • Processing Fee – GH₵100.00 (to be paid after the processing has been completed)

Benefits Of Ghana Residency By Investment Program

The benefits of obtaining Ghana residency or citizenship are listed above in the “About Ghana Citizenship and Residency” section.

Ghana Residency Requirements And Qualifications

The requirements and qualifications required to obtain Ghana residency or citizenship are listed above in the “About Ghana Citizenship and Residency” section.

단계 및 타임라인

To apply for a certificate of residence by email:

Step 1: Gather the documents that you need

  • When you have gathered all the documents, make a PDF of each document. Please note: photos of documents will not be accepted.

Step 2: Email the documents to the Embassy

In your email you should state:

  • the type of document you need (in the subject line)
  • your initials and surname (in the subject line)
  • your phone number
  • why do you need the certificate? This will be included on the certificate.

Attention: If you wish to receive the certificate by post state this clearly in your email, giving your postal address.

Attach the required documents to your email as PDFs.

You may be asked to send extra documents if your application is not complete if anything is unclear or if they have questions.

Step 3: Pay the fee

Step 4: Received the certificate

  • Once your payment has been received and processed, you will receive the certificate by email or by post if you requested this.

우리의 서비스

Privacy World는 누구에게나 서비스를 제공하며 거주 및 시민권 절차를 취득하고자 할 뿐만 아니라 당사 전문가는 다음과 같은 법적 방법을 찾아냅니다.

  • 귀하의 요구 사항에 가장 적합한 솔루션을 찾으십시오.
  • 목표를 달성하는 데 도움이 되는 전략을 식별하고 배포합니다.
  • 최고의 솔루션이나 변호사를 찾지 않고도 도움이 필요한 국가에서 당사의 네트워크를 활성화하십시오. 우리는 신중하게 심사하고 우리가 지지하는 개인 정보 보호의 지침과 원칙을 통과한 모든 국가의 허가된 사람들과만 협력합니다.
  • 관료주의를 없애는 데 집중하고 프로세스를 가속화하십시오.
  • 귀하의 사례에 대해 귀하와 적절한 의사 소통을 제공하십시오.
    … 그리고 무엇보다도: 거주지 또는 시민권을 획득하면서 신원에 대한 추가 개인 정보 보호 계층을 제공하는 법적 전략을 제공합니다!

Privacy World can also help you with incorporating your company in Ghana, assisting in getting you settled in the country, and coordinating with you so that this experience will be less of a hassle.

Privacy World가 귀하의 사건을 처리하기를 원하십니까? 질문이 있으신가요? 문의하기!


자주 묻는 질문

Yes. Dual citizenship is allowed in Ghana.

No. The program is open to all foreigners.

It is a permit acquired by a foreigner to reside in Ghana permanently.

To obtain permanent residency in the country, you must live in the country for more than 5 years.

The foreigner must have resided in Ghana for twelve months immediately preceding the date of the application, during the seven years immediately preceding twelve months, he has lived in Ghana for periods amounting in the aggregate to not less than five years.

Persons who are eligible for Indefinite Residence may apply for their spouses and dependents under the same category.

Resident individuals are taxed on their worldwide income, and, as such, foreign-sourced income is taxable.

Non-residents are liable to Ghanaian income tax on any income derived in Ghana from any trade, business, profession, or vocation, or which is derived from an employment exercised in Ghana.

Yes. Applicant must speak and understand an indigenous Ghanaian language.

Yes. You are allowed to work in the country.
