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개인 정보 보호 세계를 따르십시오 – 

dominica 1


여권 등급
비자 면제 국가

인수: -

필요한 자본: -

인수: 2~3개월

필요한 자본: $100,000

About Dominica Citizenship and Residency

도미니카 offers citizenship by investment programs. under § 101 of the nation’s constitution and § 8 and 20 of the Citizenship Act.  Dominica Citizenship by investment program offers a quick route to acquiring second citizenship and visa-free access to over 143 countries worldwide in a matter of 2-3 months.

Investment options available to acquire the citizenship and passport of Dominica. 


  • The Economic Diversification Fund

-A non-refundable contribution depending on the number of dependents included in the application:

-A donation for the amount of USD 100,000 will be required for a solo applicant.

-A contribution for the amount of USD 150,000 covering spouse and the main applicant. 

-A donation for the amount of USD 175,000 covering a family of up to 4 members will be required

-A contribution for the amount of USD 25,000 will be required for each additional dependent, other than siblings.

-A donation for the amount of USD 25,000 will be required for dependant siblings under the age of 18 and an amount of USD 50,000 will be required for dependant siblings between the ages of 18 to 25.


Investment in Real Estate

-The applicant must invest in a government-approved real estate project within Dominica at a minimum value of US $200,000.

-The investor must hold the property for at least three (3) years from the grant of citizenship.

-One may only re-sell that real estate under the Dominica Citizenship by Investment Program after five (5) years of acquiring citizenship.

The following government fees will also be applicable depending upon the number of dependents included in the application:

-Single applicant – US $25,000

-Main applicant and spouse – US $35,000

-Family up to four – US $35,000

-Family up to six – US $50,000

-Family of seven or more – US $70,000

The above fees do not include dependent siblings.

For Dependent siblings:

-Below the age of 18 – US $25,000 per applicant

-Age 18 to 25 – US $50,000 per applicant

Additional Fees:

-Processing per application – US $1000

-Due diligence for the main applicant – US $7,500

-Due diligence for a spouse – US $4,000

-Due diligence for dependents above 16 years old – US $4,000 per applicant

-Certificate of Naturalization – US $250 per applicant


Benefits Of The Dominica Citizenship By Investment Program

  • Visa-free or visa-on-arrival travel to 146 destinations worldwide
  • Ability to include a spouse, children under 31, unmarried siblings under 26, and parents and grandparents of any age, as well as to add dependents after citizenship has been granted to the main applicant
  • Citizenship by descent available for future generations
  • Right to live, work, and study in Dominica.
  • No restrictions on dual citizenship in Dominica
  • No minimum stay required


Dominica Citizenship Requirements And Qualifications

– The main applicant must be 18 years old or older.
– The main applicant must prove that they have enough funds to make the required investment, and prove the legal source of these funds.
– 주신청자와 부양가족이 전염병 및/또는 심각한 건강상의 문제를 겪지 않는 경우.
– The applicant also should have a Clean Criminal Record.
– The applicant should not to be the subject of a criminal investigation.
– The applicant should not to be considered a potential national security risk.
– The applicant should not to be involved in any activity likely to cause disrepute to Dominica.

단계 및 타임라인

  • STEP #1: Consulting the Citizenship Advisers
  • STEP #2: Choosing the Investment Options
  • STEP #3: Preparation of necessary documents
  • STEP #4: Submission of the application
  • 1단계TP4T5: Processing the application submitted
  • STEP #6: Receiving the pre-approval
  • STEP #7: Completing the investment

Citizenship advisers will evaluate your circumstances and assist you in selecting investment options most suitable for you, matching the required criteria to ensure a successful application. Citizenship by investment in Dominica is available through two options. To qualify for citizenship, you can either donate up to $100,000 to the government or by purchasing real estate on the island starting from $200,000. Experienced citizenship advisers will collect and check all the documents for compliance and ensure all requirements are met.

Once all your original documents are collected and sent to us, citizenship specialists will review your file and prepare it for submission. The complete file will be submitted to the Government of Dominica via an authorized local agent, as required by law. Each application is vetted by the Government through a thorough due diligence background check, during which time submitted information is examined and verified. There is currently no interview requirement.

Once the application is reviewed by the Government and the decision is made, the applicant will be issued a letter advising of the decision. Once your application has been approved, you will be required to transfer the final amount under your chosen option (non-refundable contribution or purchase price of the property) to Dominica.

Dominica’s citizenship application is usually reviewed in just 2 months. Upon completion of the investment, your citizenship certificate will be issued, and your passport application submitted on your behalf. No visit to Dominica is required at this stage, your passport will be couriered to your preferred address.


우리의 서비스

Privacy World는 거주 및/또는 시민권 취득 절차를 원할 뿐만 아니라 당사 전문가들이 다음과 같은 법적 방법을 찾는 모든 사람에게 서비스를 제공합니다.

  • 귀하의 요구 사항에 가장 적합한 솔루션을 찾으십시오.
  • 목표를 달성하는 데 도움이 되는 전략을 식별하고 배포합니다.
  • 최고의 솔루션이나 변호사를 찾지 않고도 도움이 필요한 국가에서 당사의 네트워크를 활성화하십시오. 우리는 신중하게 심사하고 우리가 지지하는 개인 정보 보호의 지침과 원칙을 통과한 모든 국가의 허가된 사람들과만 협력합니다.
  • 불필요한 절차를 생략하고 프로세스를 가속화하는 데 집중하십시오.
  • 귀하의 사례에 대해 귀하와 적절한 의사 소통을 제공하십시오.
    … 그리고 무엇보다도: 거주지 또는 시민권을 획득하면서 신원에 대한 추가 개인 정보 보호 계층을 제공하는 법적 전략을 제공합니다!

Privacy World can also help you with incorporating your company in Dominica, assisting in getting you settled in the country and coordinating with you so that this experience will be less of a hassle.

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자주 묻는 질문

Dual citizenship is recognized in the country. You are not required to renounce your previous nationality to become a citizen of Dominica.

Yes, you can include qualified family members after obtaining citizenship. A family member can be a child not older than 18 years, a child up to 30 years old that is currently enrolled in an educational institution, a spouse, and parents above the age of 55.

You are not required to visit the country before or after obtaining your citizenship.

현재 전 세계 모든 시민이 신청할 수 있습니다.

The Commonwealth of Dominica Government does not require you to pass any interviews, language tests, or have previous work experience to apply for this program.

Individuals resident or ordinarily resident in Dominica are subject to personal income tax on a worldwide basis.
Individuals resident but not ordinarily resident are subject to personal income tax on their Dominica-sourced income and foreign-sourced income remitted to the country.

Individual non-residents are taxed on their income from Dominican sources and income from foreign sources remitted to the country.

There are no physical residency requirements, you are entitled to apply instantly.

Yes, but you must hold the investment for at least 5- years before it can be resold to another CIP investor. The investment can be sold to a non-Dominica CIP buyer after 3 years instead of 5 years.

Yes, as long as you held the property for the required number of years after obtaining your citizenship.
