An investment visa is issued to investors or heads of foreign companies who have invested in the Kyrgyz Republic and have submitted the necessary supporting documents certifying their investment activities in the Kyrgyz Republic valued at 10 million KGS within the last three years in the various sectors of the economy
Investment Visa is petitioned through the State Investment Promotion and Protection Agency under the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Investment visa ( (“I” type)) for foreigners
An investment visa is issued to investors or heads of foreign companies who have invested in the Kyrgyz Republic and have submitted the necessary supporting documents certifying their investment activities in the Kyrgyzstan Republic
– To qualify for an investor visa amount a minimum investment of 10 million KGS for up to 3 (three) years invested in the sectors:
The family visa – “F”
Please be informed that the amendments specifying the conditions for obtaining and validity of investment visas have been introduced into the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic “On External Migration”. (Law of the Kyrgyzstan Republic No. 41 dated February 24, 2023)
From March 15, 2023, investment visas are issued to foreign nationals for a period of:
· 5 年 if the investor contributed to the country’s economy monetary and material values equivalent to at least 10 million soms (about USD 115,000);
· 10 years, if the investor contributed to the country’s economy monetary and material values equivalent to at least 20 million soms (about USD 229,000)
Investment Visa is petitioned through the State Investment Promotion and Protection Agency under the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Kyrgyz Republic.
List of required documents to be presented for consideration:
1) the applicant’s cover letter on company letterhead and a legal address of the business, also the cover letter must contain the following information:
– full details of the legal entity;
– the scope of the legal entity (brief description with the history of its origin);
– goals and objectives in accordance with the constituent documents;
– positive feedback on the results achieved in their field of activity;
– information on the need to obtain an investment visa for a foreign citizen;
– passport details of the applicant;
– a guarantee of providing reliable information.
2) notarized copies of constituent documents (company charter, constituent agreement, decision–making protocols, certificate of state registration);
3) copies of licenses and their attachments with a corporate seal on each page;
4) copies of the company’s permits to employ foreign labor and work permits of the foreign employees with a company seal on each page (if the applicant is a foreigner who is a member of the company’s management team and is working in the Kyrgyz Republic);
5) document from the State Tax Inspection and the Social Fund certifying the absence of debts of the applicant organization;
6) a certificate from the Tax Inspection on tax deductions (for the last year);
7) copy (notarized with an official translation into Russian) of the passport of the foreigner who applying for the investment visa;
8) balance sheets for the last 3 (three) years with a corporate seal on each page (balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement, statement of changes in equity);
9) copy of the previously obtained investment visa;
10) color photo of the applicant, in size 3×4 cm – 1 pc;
11) power of attorney from the applicant, copy of the passport of the authorized person;
12) other documents required to confirm the fact of investment activities by the applicant.
The investment visa grants the foreign investor the residency rights to freely enter, leave and reside in the country.
A Kyrgyz residence permit is a document allowing foreign nationals and stateless persons to, temporarily or permanently, reside, stay, enter or exit from the Kyrgyz Republic visa-free.
Under Kyrgyz legislation, foreign nationals or stateless persons residing in the Kyrgyz Republic for not less than 6 months may file with the bodies of the Kyrgyz Ministry of Internal Affairs closest to the place of location an application for a residence permit.
A Temporary residence permit is issued to foreign nationals or stateless persons in order to:
o Work in the Kyrgyz Republic;
o Study in an educational institution at the request of this educational institution and the Kyrgyz Ministry of Education and Science;
o Pursue investment activities in the Kyrgyz Republic.
A Temporary residence permit is issued to foreign nationals and stateless persons for a term of 1 year with the possibility of subsequent extension for not more than 5 years.
The application for a temporary residence permit is generally reviewed within not more than 1 month.
Temporary residence permits are issued in the local office of the Department of Registration of Population under the State Registration Service under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Permanent residence permits are issued to:
o Those who have duly received a Kyrgyz permanent residence permit, including those who returned to the Kyrgyz Republic, whose Kyrgyz citizenship has been terminated in accordance with law;
o Those who permanently reside in the Kyrgyz Republic but have not received Kyrgyz citizenship or whose Kyrgyz citizenship has been terminated in accordance with law;
o Foreign nationals or stateless persons permanently residing in the Kyrgyz Republic upon the attainment of 18 years of age
Foreign nationals are issued permanent residence permits for a term of 5 years, but not longer than the foreign passport validity period, and upon the attainment of 45 years of age for the entire validity period of the foreign passport. Stateless persons are issued permanent residence permits for a term of 5 years, and upon the attainment of 45 years of age, for an unlimited term.
The application for a permanent residence permit is reviewed within 1 year from the date of filing the application.
The permanent residence permits are given out by the Department of Registration of Population under the State Registration Service under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Article 13. Conditions of acceptance to the citizenship of the Kyrgyz Republic in accordance with the general procedure
1) continuously, uninterruptedly lived on the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic for the last five years at the moment of filing the application. The term of residence is considered uninterrupted if a person left for outside the Kyrgyz Republic for no longer than three months during one year;
2) can speak the state or official language in the amount sufficient for communication; the procedure of identifying the level of knowledge of the state or official languages is set forth by the regulation on the procedure of considering the citizenship issues;
3) undertake to comply with the Constitution and legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic;
4) have a source of subsistence.
1) availability of marriage with a citizen of the Kyrgyz Republic;
2) availability of high achievements in the field of science, culture and also a profession or qualification, which is in high demand in the Kyrgyz Republic;
3) investing in highly prioritized sectors of the economy of the Kyrgyz Republic. The procedure or investments and the number of investments shall be approved by the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic;
4) in case of recognition as refugees in accordance with the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic.
The following foreign nationals and stateless persons shall enjoy the preferential rights for receiving an immigrant status:
1) Kyrgyz by origin, i.e. nationals or stateless persons of another state, one of whose parents is Kyrgyz;
2) Parents of a Kyrgyz national, his spouse, his children under 18 or disabled adults of full age;
3) Parents, a spouse of an immigrant, his children under 18 or disabled adults of full age;
4) Persons under the guardianship or trusteeship of a Kyrgyz national;
5) Persons, who are guardians to a Kyrgyz national;
6) Well-known scientists, cultural workers and other persons with intention and opportunities to contribute significantly to the social, economic and cultural development of the Kyrgyz Republic, as well as highly qualified specialists needed for the Kyrgyz economy.
The requirements and qualifications required to obtain Kyrgyzstan residency or citizenship are listed above in the “About Kyrgyzstan Citizenship and Residency” section.
Applying for Residency Visa
Submit all requirements and the necessary supporting documents proving the contribution to the economy of the Kyrgyz Republic to
Once you submit the complete set of documents, including the visa authorization, it usually takes about 7 working days for the Embassy to process your visa application. If you are applying by mail, take into account the time it will take for the documents to be mailed back and forth and apply well in advance of your intended trip.
Guide on obtaining a Kyrgyzstan residency through a local migration office in Kyrgyzstan.
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Privacy World can also help you with incorporating your company in Kyrgyzstan, assisting in getting you settled in the country, and coordinating with you so that this experience will be less of a hassle.
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