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עקוב אחר Privacy World – 



דירוג דרכון
מדינות ללא ויזה

רכישה: -

הון נדרש: -

רכישה: 3-6 חודשים

הון נדרש: $250,000

About Turkey Citizenship and Residency

Turkey offers Citizenship by Investment, the program allows applicants to choose from several different types of economic contributions to Turkish society and to develop the country’s economy. There are no residency requirements to obtain Turkish citizenship as an investor. This means you can obtain a Turkish passport six months after investing without ever living in Turkey. However, you may need to enter Turkey to oversee your investment. For example, if you are purchasing real estate, you will have to go and check the property or compare different options.

You can apply for a Turkey Investment Visa if you fulfill the following eligibility criteria:

  • You are an adult.
  • You do not have a criminal background.
  • You have never stayed in Turkey illegally.
  • You have completed due diligence on your investment.
  • You have obtained your funds legally.


To qualify for citizenship, the main applicant should fulfill one of the following investment requirements:

  • Acquire at least USD 250,000 worth of Real Estate
  • Invest a minimum of USD 500,000 in fixed capital contribution
  • Deposit at least USD 500,000 or equivalent foreign currency or Turkish lira into a Turkish bank account
  • Commit at least USD 500,000 or equivalent foreign currency or Turkish lira into government bonds
  • Commit at least USD 500,000 or equivalent foreign currency or Turkish lira into real estate investment fund share or venture capital investment fund share
  • create jobs for at least 50 people, as attested by the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services


The main applicant may include their spouse, dependent children below the age of 18, and children of any age who are living with disabilities in their application.


אפשרויות השקעה


Option 1 – $250,000 Property

  • Residential or commercial property purchase
  • The property can be let for rental income, or sold after 3 years
  • Investors are not limited to investing in only a single property and have the right to acquire several properties


Option 2 – $500,000 Cash Investment

  • Fixed-asset investment confirmed by the Ministry of Industry and Technology
  • $500,000 deposit in a Turkish bank for a minimum of 3 years
  • Government bonds with the potential to receive interest as income. Investment to be kept for 3 years


Options 3 – A Company Set-up

Option to set up a business and create jobs for at least 50 Turkish employees, confirmed by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security


Additional Costs

  • Land registry fee and stamp duty – 4-6%
  • Legal costs – $2,000
  • Health insurance – $700
  • Due diligence – None
  • Passport fee – $500


Residence Permit

The applicant may also apply for a residence permit. There is no minimum investment amount required, you just have to prove that you own a property or you are running a business and that you have sufficient financial means to live in the country. Once you get your residence permit, your dependents (spouse and dependent children) may apply for a family visa. This permit is issued for a maximum of two years, extendable, provided that you are still running the business or owning a property, have stayed in the country at least 184 days per year, have been a tax resident, and have enough income to support yourself and your dependents.

After 8 years of legal residency, you may apply for a long-term residence permit, which will allow you to live in the country indefinitely. To be eligible:

  • You must have not received any social aid from governmental institutions in the last 3 years before application.
  • Have sufficient and sustainable financial resources.
  • Have a clean criminal record.


Applicants may also apply for citizenship after 5 years of legal residency with a total interruption of fewer than six months. To be eligible:

  • You must prove ties to the country.
  • Not have been convicted of any crimes.
  • Not have any serious disease.
  • Have sufficient income to support yourself and your dependents.


In addition, you must attend an interview to prove your ability to speak Turkish.


Residence Permit Requirements

  • Declaration regarding sufficient and sustainable financial resources for the duration of the stay (stated in the application form; the authority may request supporting documents).
  • Official document regarding the applicant’s ownership of the residence (if applicable).
  • An invitation letter or documents of such written by the person or companies to be contacted.
  • Valid medical insurance by a document facilitating health services in Turkey within the scope of bilateral social security agreements, or provision of a document issued by the Social Security Institution or document regarding the application made to the Social Security Institution that will be covered by the general health insurance or Private health insurance.


Benefits Of Turkey Citizenship By Investment Program

Turkey offers many advantages to foreign investors, such as:

  • Turkish passport in as little as three months – As soon as you make your investment, you can submit your application for Turkish citizenship. You will have a Turkish passport within three to six months.
  • Immediate permanent residence and citizenship in Turkey – As soon as you apply for a Turkish Investment Visa, you receive a permanent residence card, which you can use to live in Turkey and start your investment.
  • Pathway to the US E2 Investment Visa – Once you are a Turkish citizen, you can apply for the US E2 Investment Visa, which allows you to live, invest, and work in the US.
  • Business opportunities in EEC ( European Economic Community ) countries – As a Turkish citizen, you can make use of the Ankara Agreement, which allows Turkish citizens to work, establish a business, and permanently move to an EEC country. Although a visa is required, the application process is more accessible than in other countries.
  • Pathway to the UK’s Turkish Businessperson visa – You can use a facilitated pathway to set up a UK business and obtain a permanent residence once you have a Turkish passport.
  • Visa-free entry to over 110 countries – As a Turkish citizen, you can visit over 110 countries without a visa, including Mexico, Japan, South Korea, and Hong Kong.


Turkey Citizenship Requirements and Qualifications

The requirements and qualifications required to obtain Turkish residency or citizenship are listed above in the ”About Turkey Citizenship and Residency” section.


שלבים וציר זמן

Step 1: Choose a Qualifying Investment – You should talk to your advisors to determine which investment is best for you, depending on your finances, family structure, and your goals.

Step 2: Obtain a Certificate of Eligibility – Depending on your investment, there are different authorities responsible for issuing a certificate of eligibility. For example, you must approach the Turkish General Directorate of Land Registry and the Cadaster of the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization for investment in real estate.

Step 3: Open a Turkish Bank Account – You have to open a bank account in Turkey, where you must deposit your money. Your advisor and legal representatives can help you set up the account.

Step 4: Apply for a Turkish Residence Permit – Once your investment is approved, you can apply for a residence permit at the Turkish Provincial Directorate of Immigration Administration. The residence permit is issued immediately after, and you can use it to live in Turkey while finalizing your investment and applying for citizenship.

Step 5: Make your Investment – You have to finalize your investment and collect all required documents, certificates, translations, etc., for the citizenship application.

Step 6: Apply for Turkey Citizenship – As soon as you have made your investment, you can submit your application for Turkish citizenship at the Provincial Directorate of Census and Citizenship. This application is usually resolved within four months.


השירותים שלנו

Privacy World מציעה את שירותיה לכל אחד, לא רק שמחפש לקבל תהליכי תושבות ו/או אזרחות, אלא גם המומחים שלנו מוצאים דרכים חוקיות:

  • מצא את הפתרון הטוב ביותר עבור הצרכים שלך.
  • זהה ופרוס אסטרטגיה שתעזור לך להשיג את המטרות שלך.
  • הפעל את רשת האנשים שלנו במדינה שבה אתה זקוק לעזרה מבלי שתחפש את הפתרון או עורך הדין הטובים ביותר. אנו עובדים רק עם אנשים מורשים בכל מדינה שאנו בודקים בקפידה ומעבירים את ההנחיות ועקרונות הפרטיות שאנו עומדים עבורם.
  • התמקדו בחיתוך הבידוק ובזירוז התהליך שלכם.
  • ספק תקשורת נאותה איתך לגבי המקרה שלך.
    …. ומעל לכל: הציעו לכם אסטרטגיות משפטיות לספק שכבות נוספות של פרטיות לזהותכם, תוך קבלת תושבותכם או אזרחותכם!

Privacy World can also help you with incorporating your company in Turkey, assisting in getting you settled in the country, and coordinating with you so that this experience will be less of a hassle.

רוצה ש-Privacy World יטפל במקרה שלך? יש איזה שהן שאלות? צור קשר!

צור קשר

שאלות נפוצות

Dual citizenship is recognized in Turkey. You are not required to renounce your previous nationality to become a citizen of Turkey.

Yes, you can include your spouse, dependent children below the age of 18, and children of any age who are living with disabilities in your application.

It takes 3 to 6 months from the time your application is submitted.

No, once you have held onto your investment for the minimum period of 3 years you will become a Turkish citizen for life as well as your spouse and children.

No, there is no need for the applicant to reside in Turkey.

There is no language test required through citizenship by investment. 

There is no interview required through citizenship by investment program.

Turkey has no restrictions on who can apply for the program. Syrian nationals are restricted from buying real estate.

Turkey has signed double taxation with most nations in the developed world. If you have already paid the relevant taxes on income earned outside of Turkey, then you are unlikely to be taxed again by the Turkish government even if it was earned in a country that has not signed a double taxation treaty with Turkey.

Turkey taxes its residents on their worldwide income, whereas non-residents are taxed on Turkish-source earnings only. Income tax is levied on taxable income at progressive rates after certain deductions and allowances.

Recipients of property through inheritance or donation are subject to inheritance and gift tax at rates ranging from 1% to 30%. Tax paid in a foreign country on inherited property is deducted from the tax calculated on the value of the asset. Inheritance and gift tax is payable over a period of three years, in biannual installments in May and November, except for lottery prizes, for which the related taxes are collected through withholdings at the time of payment.

There are no national wealth/worth taxes in Turkey.
