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Rang de passeport
Pays sans visa

Acquisition: 36 mois

Capital requis : $135,000

Acquisition: -

Capital requis : -

About Peru Citizenship and Residency

Peru offers residency by investment, Peru is a country with an accumulation of natural resources and creates opportunities not only for the trade of goods on a national scale but also for sale throughout the world. Investing in Peru is all about finding a market that suits your individual needs. Whether it be through real estate, exports, or corporate formation, there is something to be capitalized on for every foreign investor.

Under the new Immigration Law (Legislative Decree N° 1350), in force since March 2017. To be eligible for the Investor visa you must make an investment of at least PEN500,000 (approximately 135,000 USD) in a Peruvian company or set up a Peruvian company with a capital investment of the same amount. Transfer of shares will not be considered an investment. The investment must be a one-way bank transfer that will be made directly from a bank account on your behalf. Applicants may be required to provide a business plan certified as viable by a local certified economist.

The investor visa is valid for one year, renewable if you prove that you still maintain the investment made, has hired at least 5 locals, and have stayed in Peru for at least 183 days during the year. After two years of legally residing in Peru, you may be eligible for citizenship, provided that you prove ties to the country, such as rental or purchase of residential property, you have been residing there during the whole period and you have knowledge of the Spanish language and the culture and values of the country.


Investor Visa Requirements in Peru

  • The form F-007 can be downloaded for free on the ‘Migraciones’ webpage.
  • Photocopy  and the original version of the traveling document (passport/foreigner’s card)
  • The invoice of a transfer of S/107.50 Soles made to the local Banco de la Nacion.
  • A commitment letter explaining that you will create a minimum of 5 employment positions for Peruvian citizens in less than 1 year of business operations.
  • A Business Feasibility Project for a newly established company or a business plan for an already active company including the creation of 5 employment positions.
  • A certification, stating that the money invested comes from abroad. This certificate needs to be filled out at the time of entering the country and be presented at the customs and Tax Administration Superintendence (SUNAT). This document is called ‘Declaracion Jurada de Equipaje-Ingreso’.
  • An International Redemption Card from the International Police (Interpol).
  • 2 x passport photos.


Additional Information

  • In the company, you can only serve as a manager or director and need to respect the tax and working laws.
  • Your company needs to have local workers on the company payroll.
  • All documents need to be translated into the Spanish language by a certified translator.


After receiving your investor visa, you can work and live legally in Peru. As it is very common among foreign investors in Peru, they want to stay with the company they invested in or set up. Therefore, they can apply for Permanent Residency of Peruvian Citizenship to stay and work in Peru legally and indefinitely.




Benefits Of Peru Residency By Investment Program

  • Visa-free or Visa on arrival to 118 countries, including Russia, Schengen Area, Southeast Asia
  • The right to live and work in Peru at all times, and all the rights associated with membership of the Gulf Cooperation Council
  • Access to educational and healthcare benefits
  • Visa-free access to Russia
  • Be eligible for citizenship in a short period
  • Pays pacifique, démocratique et politiquement stable
  • Investissement potentiellement rentable
  • Faible coût de la vie
  • Be eligible for permanent residency in a short period


Peru Residency Requirements And Qualifications

The requirements and qualifications required to obtain Peru residency or citizenship are listed above in the “About Peru Citizenship and Residency” section.


Étapes et chronologie

Step 1: Choose the Peru Visa type as per your purpose – Make sure that you are choosing the right type of visa when applying for a Peru visa.

Step 2: Find out the nearest Peruvian embassy in your country – You can call or email them to ask about the visa you are applying for and the timings before proceeding with the visa application for Peru.

Step 3: Come up with the documents Required for Peru Visa – The list of documents for a Peru visa will vary a little from one country to another.

Step 4: Submit the Documents and Application to Peru Embassy – Once you have the required documents, you can submit them to the embassy of Peru along with your Peru visa application form and other documents.

Step 5: Attend the Interview – Although not always, some embassies might ask you to come down for an interview when you apply visa for Peru.

Step 6: Pay the Peru Visa fees – Once your interview is done, you would be required to pay the Peru visa fees.

Step 7: Receive the Peru visa stamp – You will receive the Peru visa sticker in your passport from the embassy once you pay the visa fees and it’s approved.


Nos services

Privacy World offre ses services à tous ceux qui cherchent non seulement à obtenir des processus de résidence et/ou de citoyenneté, mais nos experts trouvent des moyens légaux pour :

  • Trouvez la meilleure solution pour vos besoins.
  • Identifiez et déployez une stratégie pour vous aider à atteindre vos objectifs.
  • Activez notre réseau de personnes dans le pays où vous avez besoin d'aide sans avoir à chercher la meilleure solution ou le meilleur avocat. Nous ne travaillons qu'avec des personnes agréées dans chaque pays que nous examinons attentivement et respectons les directives et les principes de confidentialité que nous défendons.
  • Concentrez-vous sur la réduction des formalités administratives et accélérez votre processus.
  • Fournir une communication appropriée avec vous au sujet de votre cas.
    …. et surtout : vous proposer des stratégies juridiques pour fournir des couches supplémentaires de confidentialité pour votre identité, tout en obtenant votre résidence ou votre citoyenneté !

Privacy World can also help you with incorporating your company in Peru, assisting in getting you settled in the country, and coordinating with you so that this experience will be less of a hassle.

Vous voulez que Privacy World s'occupe de votre cas ? Avez-vous des questions? Contactez-nous!

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Dual citizenship is recognized in Peru. You are not required to renounce your previous nationality to become a citizen of Peru.

An applicant has to reside in Peru for two years. During this period, an applicant cannot be outside of the country for more than six months of the year or for more than 3 consecutive months.

After receiving your investor visa, your family can apply for a family visa.

Aucune nationalité n'est officiellement restreinte.

Aucun entretien n'est requis.

Through naturalization, a person who has two years of legal residency in Peru, be it by marriage or other reasons such as work can apply for naturalization. The two-year requirement starts from the date one acquires residency in the country, provided that residency never lapses. The years must be consecutive. 

Tax residents are subject to personal income tax on their worldwide income. Personal income accrued by a resident is subject to progressive tax rates ranging from 0% to 30%.

Non-residents pay taxes on their income sourced in Peru at a flat 30% rate on their Peruvian-source income.

There is no net worth/wealth tax in Peru.

There are no taxes on inheritance tax in Peru.
