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Rang de passeport
Pays sans visa

Acquisition: 1-3 mois

Capital requis : €50,000

Acquisition: -

Capital requis : -

About Latvia Citizenship and Residency

Latvia offers Residency by Investment, the Latvian government offers several ways of getting a residence permit by investment; purchasing real estate, investing in a business, buying bonds, or investing in the subordinated capital of credit institutions. Investors over 18 years old with an official income and no criminal record are eligible to participate in the Latvian residence permit program. The investor’s spouse and minor children can also be included in the application, provided that they are disabled and need constant care.

The applicant can apply for Latvian Permanent Residence after they have resided in the country for a minimum of five years. They must have resided in the country for a minimum of four of those years, and know the language, general history, and national anthem. Citizenship can be obtained after 10 years of residence, providing they have resided in Latvia for the majority of this time.




Interest-free Government bonds 

  • Investment amount – EUR 250,000
  • Donation to State Budget- EUR 38,000
  • Hold Period – Five years


Deposit in Latvian Bank

  • Investment amount – EUR 280,000
  • Donation to State Budget – EUR 25,000
  • Hold Period – Five years



  • Investment amount – minimum of EUR 250,000
  • Donation to State Budget – 5% of property value
  • Hold Period – Five years


Share Capital

  • Investment Amount – EUR 50,000 in a small company, EUR 100,000 in a medium or large company.
  • Donation to State Budget – EUR 10,000
  • Hold Period – Five years


To obtain a residence permit by investment, the following documents need to be submitted:

  • A completed application form with a photograph
  • A copy of your passport
  • Documents that prove your income is legal. For example, an employment contract, an author’s contract, and securities.
  • Confirmation of funds for living at or above the subsistence level, which when buying real estate is EUR 1,500 per month, and when taking the option of making a financial investment, buying bonds, or investing in a business, it is EUR 500 per month. For each adult family member included in the application, the main investor needs to confirm an income of EUR 500 per month, and for each minor family member, they need to confirm an income of EUR 150 per month.
  • Payments documents confirming the payment of state duties and fees.
  • Documents confirming the fulfillment of the investment conditions stipulated in the application.
  • Health insurance policy.
  • Certificates of no criminal record in each country of residence for the last 10 years (in countries where the applicant has lived for more than 12 months).
  • Certificate of absence of tuberculosis.


Benefits of Latvia Residency by Investment Program

  • No physical presence requirement specified (requirements only specified for those who apply for a permanent status).
  • Temporary residence for a maximum of 5 years.
  • Those who hold residency permits issued in Latvia are allowed to circulate freely in the Schengen area for up to 90 total days in 180 days.
  • Latvian residents are liable for personal income tax (PIT) on their worldwide income. The personal income tax rate at 23%. Dividends received by individuals are taxed at 10%. Capital gains on disposal of capital assets (e.g. property, shares) are taxed at 15%.
  • No minimum stay is required to be eligible for the residence permit renewal.
  • Fast-track application procedure.
  • Visa-free to Europe’s Schengen Area.


Latvia Residency Requirements And Qualifications

The requirements and qualifications required to obtain Latvia residency by investment are listed below:

  • Travel document admitted in the Republic of Latvia.
  • Financial means to subsist in Latvia without the need for work.
  • Health Insurance.
  • Have a place of residence in Latvia, whether through ownership of property or rental.
  • Documents a foreign national needs concerning the anticipated place of residence: + document in his/her stating his/her right to reside in the specified real estate property (an entry in the Land Register) or + a lease agreement for a specified real estate in his/her name. If the lessor is an individual or a corporation, additional documentation is required confirming the Lessor’s ownership of the said property.


If the foreign national applying for a residence permit does not have either of the above, he /she needs to submit:

  • A copy of the land register about the specified real estate property and the property owner’s agreement to declare the said property as the foreign national’s place of residence; or
  • A lease agreement for the specified real estate property and the Lessor’s agreement to declare the said property as the foreign national’s place of residence. If the lessor is an individual or a corporation, additional documentation is required confirming the lessor’s ownership of said property.


Étapes et chronologie

Étape 1: Submit the residence application, along with any application fees, to the office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs. As part of the application, the investor is required to commit to the investment.

Étape 2: After one to three months, a decision is made about the application.

Étape 3: If the application is approved, the applicant must travel to Latvia within three months to give biometrics, make the investment, and pay the deposit.

Étape 4: After making the relevant investment, the applicant will receive a residence permit valid for five years.

Étape 5 : After five years, and upon the fulfillment of certain requirements (including a language requirement), the investor may apply for a permanent residence permit.


Nos services

Privacy World offre ses services à tous ceux qui cherchent non seulement à obtenir des processus de résidence et/ou de citoyenneté, mais nos experts trouvent des moyens légaux pour :

  • Trouvez la meilleure solution pour vos besoins.
  • Identifiez et déployez une stratégie pour vous aider à atteindre vos objectifs.
  • Activez notre réseau de personnes dans le pays où vous avez besoin d'aide sans avoir à chercher la meilleure solution ou le meilleur avocat. Nous ne travaillons qu'avec des personnes agréées dans chaque pays que nous examinons attentivement et respectons les directives et les principes de confidentialité que nous défendons.
  • Concentrez-vous sur la réduction des formalités administratives et accélérez votre processus.
  • Fournir une communication appropriée avec vous au sujet de votre cas.
    …. et surtout : vous proposer des stratégies juridiques pour fournir des couches supplémentaires de confidentialité pour votre identité, tout en obtenant votre résidence ou votre citoyenneté !

Privacy World can also help you with incorporating your company in Latvia, assisting in getting you settled in the country, and coordinating with you so that this experience will be less of a hassle.

Vous voulez que Privacy World s'occupe de votre cas ? Avez-vous des questions? Contactez-nous!

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Dual citizenship is recognized in Latvia. It is permitted with some exceptions.

Yes, you can include your spouse, and children up to 18 years of age are included and even longer if they are not married and still depend on their parents.

It depends on the investment, TRP’s are issued for a maximum of 5 years.

You can most certainly invest in Latvia as a non-resident. The country welcomes all investment dollars, regardless of whether you want to live in the place.

There is no minimum physical presence requirement to maintain the five-year residence permit. However, persons wishing to apply for the permanent residence permit must demonstrate residence in Latvia for at least four of the five years.

There is no language test required in Latvia.

There is no interview required.

Aucune nationalité n'est officiellement restreinte.

Latvian residents are liable to Latvian income tax on their worldwide income. Non-residents are liable to income tax on their Latvian-source income.

There are no inheritance taxes in Latvia.

There are no net wealth/worth taxes in Latvia.
