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Visafreie Länder

Erwerb: 60 Monate

Benötigtes Kapital: £725,000

Erwerb: -

Benötigtes Kapital: -

About Jersey Citizenship and Residency

Jersey offers a high-value residency program that allows wealthy individuals to take up residency in Jersey, a status that can become permanent after 5 years. In the sixth year, applicants are eligible to apply for UK Citizenship.

To qualify for High-Value Residency applicants must be able to prove they earn an annual income of a minimum of  725,000 POUND and can therefore contribute at least 145,000 in annual tax payments. Applicants also need to make a real estate investment of  1.75 million pounds. Contribution to business and social community such as voluntary work, funding educational and sporting activities, cultural contribution and talents, and creation of jobs.


Program Benefits

  • Weg zur Staatsbürgerschaft
  • Erlaubt doppelte/mehrere Staatsbürgerschaften
  • Niedrigere Steuern
  • Safety and security
  • Enhanced education opportunities
  • Verbesserter Zugang für Unternehmen zu großen Volkswirtschaften
  • Kurze Bearbeitungszeit
  • Englisch als Amtssprache
  • Access to UK and Ireland Common Travel Area


Jersey is not part of the United Kingdom, it is a dependency of the British crown and part of the Common Travel Area agreement. As a resident, you will gain the right to unrestricted travel within the Common Travel Area (CTA), which includes the UK, Ireland, and The Isle of Man. After holding residency in Jersey for five years, applicants can apply for permanent residency and British Citizenship, and a UK passport after a total of six years.


Benefits Of Jersey Residency By Investment Program

  • Open and accessible economy
  • High-end professional services
  • Pro-business environment
  • Government support for digital and tech industries
  • Developed infrastructure
  • Competitive tax rates
  • Tax benefits and incentives
  • Highly regarded and well-regulated international jurisdiction
  • Established commercial sector with the world’s leading bank and law firms
  • Highly-developed communications network
  • Thriving property market
  • High standards of life and healthcare
  • Safe and stable environment with very low crime rates
  • Top-class education system, cheaper than in the UK
  • Proximity and easy access to financial and business hubs


Jersey Residency Requirements And Qualifications


Berechtigung und Anforderungen

  • The Main applicant must be 18 and over
  • Ability to generate at least 145,000 POUND of tax revenues per year
  • Applicants must be passed the Due Diligence process
  • Availability of at least 1.75 million POUND to buy or lease a property
  • Sauberes Strafregister und keine Verstöße gegen das Einwanderungsgesetz
  • Guter Charakter
  • Business experience


Schritte und Zeitleiste

Schritt 1: Gather all the documents and send them to the government in Jersey. If your application is approved, you will be issued a Jersey resident card and will be allowed to enter the country.

Schritt 2: Move to Jersey and buy Real Estate, , usually, within two to four weeks, your investor visa will be approved. Then make a real estate purchase of 1.75 million pounds, applicants also need to attend an interview with government officials.

Schritt 3: Get your Permanent Residence, to be eligible you will have to be a full tax resident on the Island. Plus you will need to spend more time in Jersey than anywhere else every year leading up to your permanent residence at least five years before applying.


Unsere Leistungen

Privacy World bietet seine Dienstleistungen jedem an, der nicht nur Aufenthalts- und/oder Staatsbürgerschaftsverfahren erhalten möchte, sondern unsere Experten finden rechtliche Wege, um:

  • Finden Sie die beste Lösung für Ihre Bedürfnisse.
  • Identifizieren und implementieren Sie eine Strategie, mit der Sie Ihre Ziele erreichen können.
  • Aktivieren Sie unser Netzwerk von Menschen in dem Land, in dem Sie Hilfe benötigen, ohne nach der besten Lösung oder dem besten Anwalt suchen zu müssen. Wir arbeiten nur mit lizenzierten Personen in jedem Land zusammen, die wir sorgfältig prüfen und die Richtlinien und Prinzipien des Datenschutzes, für die wir stehen, weitergeben.
  • Konzentrieren Sie sich darauf, die Bürokratie zu durchbrechen und Ihren Prozess zu beschleunigen.
  • Sorgen Sie für eine angemessene Kommunikation mit Ihnen über Ihren Fall.
    …. und vor allem: Bieten Sie Ihnen rechtliche Strategien an, um Ihrer Identität zusätzliche Datenschutzebenen zu bieten und gleichzeitig Ihren Wohnsitz oder Ihre Staatsbürgerschaft zu erhalten!

Privacy World can also help you with incorporating your company in Jersey, assisting in getting you settled in the country, and coordinating with you so that this experience will be less of a hassle.

Möchten Sie, dass Privacy World Ihren Fall bearbeitet? Haben Sie Fragen? Kontaktiere uns!

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Häufig gestellte Fragen

Yes, Jersey permits dual/multiple citizenships.

Yes, you will be able to bring your closest family members including your spouse and children.

Yes, you will need to spend more time in Jersey than anywhere else every year leading up to your permanent residence for at least five years before applying.

Yes, you will need to attend for an interview.

As an investor resident, you will be taxed a flat 20% rate on your first worldwide income in Jersey. Any additional income is taxed at a token 1%. 

A person who is not resident in Jersey is liable to Jersey income tax on Jersey-source income, except for some specific exemptions, including Jersey bank interest, interest received from a Jersey resident company, profits, and earnings of the office  of the director of a company, and dividends received from Jersey companies to the extent they are paid out of profits taxed at 0% on the company.

Individuals who are residents and ordinarily resident in Jersey are liable to Jersey income tax on their worldwide income. However, individuals who are resident but not ordinarily resident in Jersey are taxed on Jersey-source income, and overseas income is subject to tax to the extent that is remitted to Jersey.

There is no inheritance tax in Jersey.

There are no net wealth/worth taxes in Jersey.
