Italien offers an investor residence permit and is valid initially for two years and can then be prolonged to another three years. The investment must be maintained till the validity period of the residence permit. The permit is valid for two years from the date of entering Italy.
Donate at least 1 million EUR to a public-interest initiative in the fields of culture, education, immigration control, scientific studies, and cultural and natural heritage protection. There are some proofs that you need to furnish:
– The copy of the public donation deed
– Bank statements — should clearly indicate that donation has been made
– A letter of validation of the bank statement — should be signed by an authorized representative of the entity
– A letter from the recipient company that confirms the donation
Under this option, it is required that you invest at least 500,000 EUR in stakes or shares in limited companies incorporated and based in Italy.
– If a corporation is in an active state and has already filed at least one balance sheet at the time of the visa application, it is deemed to be ” operating”. The recipient corporation may or may not be publicly traded. Its name and tax code are critical pieces of information that must be provided at the time of application.
– Invest at least 250,000 EUR in stakes or shares in creative startups. The official list of creative startups, which is updated every week and is free to access, can be found on the Italian Chambers of Commerce system’s portal.
The documents you need to prove your investment in a limited company or an innovative start-up are:
Investieren Sie mindestens 2 Millionen EUR in Schatzzertifikate (CCT/CCTeu), Nullkupon-Schatzanleihen (CTZ), langfristige Schatzanleihen, die an die Inflation der Eurozone gekoppelt sind, und BTP ITALIA.2 Eine Mindestrestlaufzeit von mindestens zwei Jahren wird für jede Typologie erwartet.
Kombinationsinvestitionen sind nicht zulässig, aber der Antragsteller kann entweder von einem Einzelkonto oder einem Firmenkonto bezahlen.
You can invest in the following government bonds issued by the Italian Republic:
– Treasury Certificates (CCT/CCTeu)
– Zero-coupon Treasury Bonds (CTZ)
– Long-term Treasury Bonds (BTP)
– Long-Term Treasury Bonds index-linked to Eurozone inflation
These are the documents you’re required to submit as a proof:
Weg zur Staatsbürgerschaft
The investment needs to be maintained during the 2-year visa. If the investor maintains their investment throughout the 2 years of validity of the residence permit, they are allowed to apply for a 3-year renewal, by applying at least 60 days before the expiry date of the residence permit. After five years of physical residence (270 days present in Italy per annum) the applicant may apply for Permanent residency. To naturalize as an Italian citizen, you will need to have been a resident physically present in Italy for 10 years. EU citizens are eligible after only four years of residence.
The investment minimums to qualify for an Italian investor residence visa are:
One should first submit all the documentation to the official Italian investor platform. The Italian Investor Visa Committee then evaluates the application. Within 30 days of your application, the Committee gives you an answer. If the evaluation is positive, receive a certificate of no impediment (nulla osta). With the Nulla Osta certificate, you may apply for an Investor Visa at the Italian Embassy or Consulate of your country of permanent residence within six months of issue.
Your investor visa is valid for two years. Within eight working days of entering Italy, you must apply for an Investor Residence Permit to the Questura of the place where you intend to stay. The permit is valid for two years from the date of entry to Italy. Once you’ve been granted your Investor Residence Permit, you have three months from the communicated date of entry to make your full investment or donation. If you fail to invest or do not maintain your investment the permit will be revoked.
Sie können Ihre Aufenthaltserlaubnis für Investoren um drei weitere Jahre verlängern, solange Sie Ihre ursprüngliche Spende beibehalten.
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