About Estonia Citizenship and Residency
There is no direct Citizenship by Investment (CBI) program available in Estonia. However, there is an Estonian Residency by Investment (RBI) program, which qualifies you for Estonian citizenship by naturalization.
Estonia is a country that offers excellent opportunities to extend your business in the country. If you are a businessman who wants to develop your business or have new ideas for an innovative company with expanded opportunities, you can apply for an Estonian Investment Visa.
Estonia Investment Visa Options:
1. Startup
You may obtain a temporary residence in Estonia if you are starting a company to develop and launch a business model with such great, innovative and reproducible global growth potential that it will contribute substantially to Estonia’s business environment.
For a foreigner to establish a startup in Estonia (and use it as grounds for residence), the company must be reviewed by an expert committee.
exemptions to the evaluation process:
- The company has already undergone an evaluation by the committee(throughout the past 5 years). Regardless, the Police and Guard Board may require another evaluation throughout the application process.
- The company falls under the conditions of the Aliens Act, and as pointed out by the Interior Ministry’s directive. A list of the Act’s conditions can be explored on the government website.
2. Estonia Immigrant Entrepreneur
Residency is granted to foreigners who participate in a company or operate as sole proprietors, or invest in business activity in Estonia with at least €65,000 (€16,000 if self-employed). The capital stock, the subordinated liability, and the amount of the fixed assets registered can be considered an investment.
Residency permits are normally 1 year long. Upon renewal, investment requirements are further loosened, where sales income can account for the investment quota (minimum 200,000 EUR per year).
Social security tax paid to Estonia can also count. However, the value of the tax should be five times the average annual Estonian wage.
– Have an actual place of residence is Estonia registered with the Population Register.
– Have health insurance.
– Business plan in Estonian or English.
The description of the business plan must express the following data:
- name and registry code of the company or the sole proprietor
- business idea- planned activities, potential clients and suppliers, plans of development, fixed assets available for the company, circulating capital, labor force being used
- financial forecasts for the next two financial years – projected income statement, balance sheet, cash flow forecast
- Curriculum Vitaes of the persons who perform managerial and supervisory functions
- motivation, why the settling of the applicant in Estonia is essential for enterprise
3. Estonia Major Investment Program
- You may obtain a temporary residence in Estonia if you make a direct investment of at least €1,000,000 in a company.
- Investments should be made to companies entered in Estonia’s commercial register. Also, the selected company should mainly invest in Estonia’s economy.
- Deposits can also be made to investment funds. However, those funds should follow legal policies where the fund’s instruments are in companies accepted into Estonia’s commercial register.
- Investment funds cannot be withdrawn throughout the residency permit.
- Major investments are seen as permanent, as long they do not decrease throughout the residency permit’s duration. The only exception to this is the value decrease resulting from market price fluctuations of said investment, which doesn’t give investors the right to withdraw their funds.
Temporary residence permits usually have a validity of 5 years. After that, you may renew the permit or apply for permanent residency. Provided that your place of residence has been entered in the Estonian population registry, you have health insurance, permanent legal income (€260 / month), and an Estonian language B1 level.
The issuance of residence permits is subject to the annual immigration quota, which cannot exceed 0.1% of the Estonian permanent population in one year. This does not apply to American or Japanese applicants or to citizens applying for residency to do research or study.
Estonian Citizenship
Estonian Investors are not given special or fast-track naturalization in Estonia. They can naturalize for Estonian citizenship by meeting the following conditions:
- to hold a long-term residence permit
- prior to the date on which s/he submits the application for Estonian citizenship, to have lived in Estonia for at least 8 years on the grounds of a residence permit or by right of residence, of which at least five years permanently;
- to have a registered place of residence in Estonia;
- to be proficient in the Estonian language in level B-1
- to know the Constitution of the Republic of Estonia and the Citizenship Act
- to have a permanent legal income of € 260 / month;
- to be loyal to the Estonian state;
- to take an oath.
Benefits Of The Estonian Residency By Investment Program
Many benefits come with an Estonian investment visa:
- You have access to a higher standard of living.
- You are free to visit other Schengen countries.
- You have access to better health and education.
- You can easily apply for citizenship if you plan to continue living in Estonia.
- You have travel benefits, allowing you to extend your business in different countries.
- You have the full support of the Estonian government since they support startup businessmen or businesswomen.
- Estonia is located ideally, and it offers you a perfect location for trade between Russia, Asia, and Europe.
- Estonia is known for free Wi-Fi connection, for different opportunities for future ITs and other internet-related services.
- Known for its economy as being rated as having one of the highest freedom of economy in the world and the Central Eastern European region.
- The most liberal tax system in work, and only the corporate income tax needs to pay dividends.
- Estonia is known as home to different accelerator programs for startups.
Estonian Residency Requirements And Qualifications
- The investor must be older than 18.
- The investor must be in good health condition.
- The investor must have no criminal record.
- The investor must be financially stable to invest the requested amount in Estonia.
- The investor must have experience in running a business.
- The investor must know the Estonian industry.
Schritte und Zeitleiste
step 1. Start by booking an appointment with the consulate at the Embassy: You would need to be in contact with the consulate of Estonia in your country to book an appointment. You would need to do this at least 14 days before the date of planned travel.
step 2. Next, is to gather the requested documents as stated by the embassy to submit: Documents are always needed for the consulate’s perusal before an Estonia visa is granted.
step 3. Then go ahead to attend the interview; after the submission of your documents, you would be requested to be verbally interviewed. The interview will be on simple questions like the duration you intend to stay in Estonia, your purpose, and your plan for the visit. Also, other questions surrounding you’re traveling to the country.
step 4. The last step is to wait for a response from the embassy.
Granting or refusal of a temporary residence permit shall be decided within 2 months from the acceptance of the application. In case of granting a residence permit, a residence card shall be issued to the guardian within 30 days at the foreign representation of the Republic of Estonia or the Service Office stated on the application form. The arrival of the residence card in a foreign representation may take more time.
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Privacy World can also help you with incorporating your company in Estonia, assisting in getting you settled in the country and coordinating with you so that this experience will be less of a hassle.
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